Friday, August 3, 2007

Camel SNUS ad appeared in the What's Up Section of the Raleigh News & Observer. ..

August 3, 2007 - Camel SNUS ad appeared in the What's Up Section of the Raleigh News & Observer. Raleigh is one of the new market test sites. What do you think?? Does this ad target hard-nosed existing smokers that refused to quit tobacco smoking??? See related Newsbriefs:July 27, 2007, July 23, 2007, July 13, 2007, July 12, 2007 and July 2, 2007. Click on image to enlarge. From - according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention 44.5 million US adults were current smokers in 2004. Of these about 70% (33.3 million) want to quit smoking and free themselves of all tobacco products. Most of remaining smokers are older hardline smokers that refuse to quit. Will this latter group of around 11 million smokers be the only target group that the tobacco companies try to convince to go smokeless?? NO.. In Sweden (2004) it has been found that the use of snuff decreases with age and was the highest in the age group 18-29 years (P. Nordgren, Swedish National Institutes of Public Health). The RJ Reynolds Tobacco salesperson was upset that we didn't order any more Camel SNUS. He claims SNUS is selling like hotcakes in Downtown Raleigh. Click on image to enlarge.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Philip Morris International (PMI) was truly happy they had been back in the Bulgarian cigarette market for a year and had already had 6.8% of market..

August 2, 2007 - Philip Morris International (PMI) was truly happy they had been back in the Bulgarian cigarette market for a year and had already had 6.8% of market share. Unfortunately for Bulgarians smoking rates are at very high levels and continue to rise. It should help that Bulgaria became a member of the European Union in 2007 and has ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.(In May 2003, the member countries of the World Health Organization adopted a historic tobacco control treaty, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which has the potential to reduce this terrible toll tobacco use takes on human life. Tobacco kills almost five million people each year. If current trends continue, it is projected to kill 10 million people a year by 2020, with 70% of those deaths occurring in developing countries.) August 9, 2007 - A one-third rise in excise proposed. The Bulgarian Finance Ministry has proposed that cigarette excise should rise by 33 per cent next year, according to a news.dnevnik report. The rise is aimed at bringing the country’s cigarette taxes closer to the minimum rate applicable within the EU, though apparently at a faster rate than was originally agreed. (Tobacco Reporter) Click on image to enlarge..

Federal tobacco regulation backed...

August 2, 2007 - Federal tobacco regulation backed. The bill called the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act was approved 13 - 8 by the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committe would give the Food and Drug Administration authority to restrict tobacco advertising, regulate warning labels and remove hazardous ingredients. The bill now goes to the full Senate where is expected to pass. It is thought that Philip Morris (PM) USA was involved with crafting the bill - e.g. in the latest version of the bill, cloves joined menthol as the only additives specifically allowed in tobacco (see related Newsbrief - July 21, 2007. PM broke from its competitors to endorse FDA regulation. The competitors are opposed to the bill, indicating it would lock in PM' dominant market share (Raleigh, News & Observer). (In 2006 PM USA cigarette market share was 50.3% and Marlboro's share was 40.5%) Responding to the bill’s approval UST Inc noted it was disappointedthat the committee had not addressed the distinct differences between smokeless tobacco and cigarettes in their consideration of the legislation. "Smokeless tobacco products are different than cigarettes in many respects, and we believe this legislation should take that into account,” Todd A. Walker, UST vice-president, federal government relations, was quoted as saying. “There is a general acceptance in the public health and scientific communities that cigarette smoking is significantly more dangerous than the use of smokeless tobacco. (UST Inc. is a holding company for its principal subsidiaries: U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company and International Wine & Spirits Ltd.) Click on Image to Enlarge - Tobacco is harmful in any form..

Monday, July 30, 2007

Recently Swedish Match announced that they are going to take Red Man into Moist Smokeless Tobacco (MST)Category..

July 30, 2007 -  Martin L. Orlowsky - Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Lorillard, Inc was asked if he could give an update at this juncture in terms of what the joint venture maybe working on with regard to the smoker site? Mr. Orlowsky's response: well the only thing that I am going to say is that we continue to work on the project which we announced a while back. I really don’t have anything more specific to add at this point.( Carolina Group Q2 2007 Earnings Call Transcript) From - GREENSBORO, N.C., Oct. 25, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Lorillard Tobacco Company today announced that it has entered into an agreement with Swedish Match North America to jointly develop and market a select line of smokeless tobacco products in the United States. The parties anticipate that an initial product offering may be launched on some basis of geographic distribution in the not too distant future. From the Swedish Match: Half Year Report January - June 2007 - During the third quarter of 2007 Swedish Match plans to launch a family of snuff products under the Red Man brand on the US market. The launch will be supported by extensive marketing efforts.

Newport achieved the 33.6% share of the menthol segment as of the second quarter of 2007, which was increase of nine tenth of a segment share point ov

July 30, 2007 - Newport achieved the 33.6% share of the menthol segment as of the second quarter of 2007, which was increase of nine tenth of a segment share point over the second quarter of ’06. Lorillard continued to be during the second quarter of ’07, the only major tobacco company to reflect positive unit volume and market share improvement as compared with the second quarter of ’06. Lorillard’s marketing strategy continues to attempt the balance Newport’s market share performance and overall profitability. Promotional spending in support of Newport is subject to change depending on the brand strengths and competitive factors. .(Carolina Group Q2 2007 Earnings Call Transcript) Newport accounts for over 91% of Lorillard cigarette sales. A 2001 survey found that 45.2% of Newport cigarette sales were to African Americans. The "Pleasure of Smoking" has been part of Newport advertising since 1972. See related Newsbriefs: June 28, 2007, June 10, 2007, May 24, 2007 and April 12, 2007.

Smoking incidence at all-time low...

July 30, 2007 - Smoking incidence at all-time low. Just 21% of people in the US said they had smoked in the previous week when Gallup conducted a poll from July 12 to 15, according to a report by Gallup’s Jeffrey M. Jones. This was the lowest percentage recorded since Gallup starting researching this issue 60 years ago, though statistically speaking it is considered equivalent to the 22% of 2004 and the 23% recorded in each of 1999 and 2006. Since 1999, more than 50% of smokers have reported smoking less than one pack of cigarettes a day, and this year the figure was 55%. But those smokers who continue with their habit are starting to want to call time on smoking restrictions. Asked by Gallup if they felt unjustly discriminated against as smokers, or whether they thought restrictions on smoking in public places were justified, 47% said they felt unjustly discriminated against. In 2001, this figure was about 33%. Also, whereas six years ago 66% of smokers said they thought that public smoking restrictions were justified, this year that figure is down to 51%. (Tobacco Reporter)From Altria Group, Inc. Reports: 2007 2nd quarter results - PM USA's cigarette shipment volume of 45.6 billion units was 3.3% or 1.6 billion units lower than that recorded in the prior-year period. In the first half of 2007, PM USA estimates that total cigarette industry volume declined between 4% and 5%, and for the full year 2007 PM USA is maintaining its prior estimate of a 3% to 4% decline in total cigarette industry volume.