Friday, September 28, 2007

PMI files for potential spin-off ..

September 28, 2007—PMI files for potential spin-off - Philip Morris International has filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission a preliminary registration statement in preparation for its potential spin-off from parent company Altria Group. Altria made the announcement of the filing yesterday. ‘On August 29, 2007, the board of directors of Altria announced its intention to pursue the spin-off of PMI to Altria's shareholders,’ Altria said in a statement posted on its website. ‘At that time, the Altria board said that it anticipates that it will be in a position to finalize its decision and announce the precise timing of the spin-off at its regularly scheduled meeting on January 30, 2008. The spin-off is subject to final approval by the Altria board and other conditions, including required regulatory approvals.’ (Tobacco Reporter) See related Newsbrief: August 30, 2007

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