Saturday, October 13, 2007

July 13, 2007 - ads from the Raleigh News & Observer - the weekly What's Up Section. As we know Raleigh is one of the 5-cities that RJR has expanded the SNUS test market - see Newsbrief below - July 2, 2007. Surely even the tobacco control professional that support claims about how safe smokeless tobacco is when compared to tobacco smoking for current smokers would not approve of these advertisements. Tobacco companies will insist that they are not targeting youngsters to use tobacco products. But it's a known fact tobacco advertising and promotional items do appear to play a role in an adolescent's or teenager's decision to begin using tobacco products (JAMA 279: 516-520, 511-515, 1998). Trends in the use of tobacco products among young people follow those of adults. Boys see men using tobacco products and want to do the same -- and the same can be seen with girls and women using tobacco products. Advertising links the use of tobacco products with being "cool", taking risks and growing up. The tag for Camel SNUS - Pleasure for wherever! Click on Images to Enlarge - Take a Look and Decide for Yourself....

Friday, October 12, 2007

Reynolds Tobacco is now providing coupons for a free can of Camel SNUS

October 12, 2007 - Reynolds Tobacco is now providing coupons for a free can of Camel SNUS inside some packs of Camel cigarettes. What do you think?? Are they targeting inveterate (hard-nosed, long established, deep-rooted) cigarette smokers to help them switch to SNUS OR trying to convince smokers that you can satisfy your nicotine addiction in places where smoking is banned by using SNUS. See related news brief - free SNUS coupons: September 18, 2007As pointed out by Dr. Simon Chapman, British American Tobacco's Lucky Strike snus has been promoted in South Africa with "Can't smoke? Snus!" in a naked attempt to keep nicotine coursing in the veins of smokers at all the times across a day when they can't smoke. This is an industry dual-use strategy designed to keep people smoking. Because smoking bans stimulate quitting, this is a harm increasing, not reducing development. (Simon Chapman, Reduced Risk Just A SmokescreenImages from the sleeve that fits around the pack of cigarettes - Click images to enlarge. ( 

Thursday, October 11, 2007

California bans smoking in cars with kids ..

October 11, 2007 - California bans smoking in cars with kids - California has added another place where the state's 4 million smokers may not light up – in cars when any child under 18 is inside. Starting January 1, 2008 motorists will face a $100 fine if caught smoking with a child in a vehicle, on the road or parked, under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger yesterday. The car-smoking measure, Senate Bill 7 by Sen. Jenny Oropeza, D-Carson, was hailed as a safeguard against exposure to toxic secondhand smoke. Similar legislation had been repeatedly blocked by lawmakers in recent years. ( A Harvard School of Public Health report indicated that secondhand smoke in cars can be up to 10 times more of a health risk than secondhand smoke in a home.) Major limitation of this legislation: Violations would be a secondary offense, which means motorists could not be stopped solely for smoking with a child on board. Most likely this is the reason - there was no official opposition from the tobacco industry. California becomes the 3rd state along with Arkansas and Louisiana to protect children in vehicles from secondhand smoke. Arkansas now bans smoking in cars with children age 6 and younger, while Louisiana has limited the ban when children 13 and younger are in the vehicle. A number of municipalities such as New York City are considering a similar ban - see related news briefs. August 16, 2007 and August 15, 2007.

The City of Bangor, Maine has a ban in place.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Mild Seven cigarettes..

October 9, 2007 - Mild Seven cigarettes, introduced in 1977 and the 2nd most popular cigarettes in the world, celebrates 30th anniversary. Japan Tobacco Inc announced today that it is to launch five limited edition Mild Seven packs in celebration to be available only on the Japanese market. Mild Seven today dominates the Japanese market. (Tobacco Reporter) See related News Brief:May 31, 2007. Click on image to enlarge.. Note the brand's ‘Blue Wind’ symbol