Sunday, July 27, 2008

Drop Smoking Without Picking Up Weight..

July 27, 2008 - Smokers need not fear quitting will lead to weight gain, experts say. By combining diet and lifestyle changes with a smoking cessation program, you can throw away the cigarette pack and avoid packing on extra pounds.

There are a couple of reasons for gaining weight. First, nicotine is known to raise metabolic rate. It increases the amount of calories used; a heavy smoker may burn as many as 200 calories daily. Nicotine also serves as an appetite suppressant ; after quitting it is normal for your appetite to increase.

Many people report that when they quit smoking their ability to taste and smell is enhanced, a temptation that can lead to increased eating. It is common for people to say that before quitting they never had much of a sweet tooth but now they find that they eat sweet foods. Studies have shown that women are more likely to return to smoking as a way to avoid weight gain after quitting.

Remember - you can throw away the cigarette pack and avoid packing on extra pounds.

See reference for further information. Reference:
Drop Smoking Without Picking Up Weight
Proven Strategies For Quitting Smoking, Including Diet And Exercise
by Suzanne Wright, CBS News, 7/24/2008.

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