Saturday, August 2, 2008

PMI can't use the Marlboro brand name in Canada..

August 2, 2008 - Philip Morris International (PMI) can't use the Marlboro brand name even though it will purchase the remaining 60% of Rothmans Benson & Hedges Inc (the operating subsidiary of Rothmans Inc), Canada's second largest cigarette maker.

As of July 25, 2006, the Rothman, Benson and Hedges launched (Philip Morris already owned had a 40% stake) a cigarette that looks like, smells like, and by all accounts, tastes like Marlboro but could not use the Marlboro or brand name.

This is because the Marlboro name is owned by a British American Tobacco (BAT) affiliate (Imperial Tobacco of Canada - the largest tobacco company in Canada) Philip Morris/Altria's biggest competitor in the global cigarette market. Since 1932 the Marlboro trade mark has been owned by BAT-related companies -- and they have staunchly kept it in use to defend against Philip Morris introducing its much more popular brand.

Reference: Welcome to Canada's Marlboro Country. Well, sort of. Filter Tios, Summer 2006.

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