Sunday, August 3, 2008

Marin County, North of San Francisco, May Ban Tobacco Sales At Pharmacies..

August 3, 2008 - SAN RAFAEL (AP) ― Marin County (located in the North San Francisco Bay Area, across the Golden Gate Bridge) health officials are working on a plan to ban the sale of tobacco products at pharmacies. Officials say the Marin County ordinance would be similar to a ban approved in San Francisco this past week. Larry Meredith, who directs Marin's health department, says the proposal is aimed at improving the health of county residents. The plan could be brought before the Board of Supervisors this fall.

On July 30. 2008, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban the sale of tobacco products in drug stores, which could be fined up to $1,000 for each violation. The ban doesn't apply to supermarkets or convenience stores.

The San Francisco citywide ban was modeled on rules enacted in eight Canadian provinces. The Province of Ontario banned the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies in 1994. Since then, seven Canadian provinces and territories have legislated an end to the sale of tobacco products in pharmacies. Pharmacy sales of tobacco products are also banned in the United Kingdom, France and Italy. There is no evidence of adverse economic impact on pharmacies.

Reference: Marin County May Ban Tobacco Sales At Pharmacies", - Associated Press, 8/2/2008 and San Francisco Bans Cigarette Sales in Pharmacies by Carol Southard,, 8/1/2008.

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