Monday, October 13, 2008

Reynolds To Roll Out Camel SNUS Nationally Early in 2009..

October 13, 2008 - RJ Reynolds (RJR) said it will roll out Camel Snus nationwide beginning early next year.

In a recent article it was written that Camel Snus, a smokeless, spitless tobacco product is being promoted as the industry's best bet in a post-smoking environment. So far, even with attempts at public awareness and educating the public the marketing of SNUS products in general in the United States (and Canada) has been poor.

RJR has tried just about everything: from providing coupons, to stationing people at bars and c-stores, to running ads in various publications. Where has this got them - surely they've given away more cans of Camel SNUS than have been paid for. Now based on information from a c-store owner the RJR salesperson for the last 3-weeks has given him at no charge 25-cans of Camel Snus Frost and asked for him to pass them out to those people that may be interested in giving it a try. Well - the owner can't even give the stuff away, even to dippers finally (he tells us) someone came into to the store and asked for Camel SNUS Original flavor and when asked was willing to take a bunch of the free cans.

It's doubted that Camel SNUS really gained market traction.

SNUS has failed to take-off elsewhere in the way it has taken off in Sweden (Simon Chapman, Queensland Independent, 10/2007). The Swedes have been using SNUS for over 200 years; it's a tradition--it's part of their culture.

UST executives have been very disappointed with the progress of the SNUS segment in total.> The entire segment itself has gained very little traction; we're struggling whether this segment is really going to take hold or not and whether an American consumer is really interested in this form of tobacco or not. (UST Inc. is a holding company for its principal subsidiaries: USSTC and International Wine & Spirits Ltd.. USSTC is the leading producer and marketer of moist smokeless tobacco products.)

A comment from a convenience store owner told us a Secret Shopper came in the store to determine if he would push the sale of Camel SNUS. He did mention Camel SNUS and won a $10 Walmart gift card. The owner did remark he made more with the gift card then he does with Camel SNUS in a whole month - he seldom sells a can.

Even with the Marlboro brand name Philip Morris USA (PM) has continued to stumble in the smokeless tobacco arena.. The Marlboro brand name is not as transferable as many originally believed. Unlike RJR, Altria is being financially disciplined in test marketing their smokeless products..

Is It Justified?? - R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Adding Test Cities for Camel SNUS, May 14, 2008.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Snus Raises Risk for Pancreatic Cancer but Is Less Toxic Than Smoking

    "They found that the health-adjusted life expectancy between smokers who had stopped using all forms of tobacco and smokers who switched to snus was similar, with a difference of 0.1 to 0.3 years for men and 0.1 to 0.4 years for women. Compared with a person who has never used tobacco, the difference in health-adjusted life expectancy with a current snus user who has never smoked cigarettes was small, in the range of 0.2 to 0.5 years for men and 0.2 to 0.3 years for women."

    Study that shows no link to oral or lung cancer, only an slight increase in risk of pancreatic cancer from 0.004% to 0.009% compared to nonsmokers:

    Sweden has some of the lowest rates of lung and oral cancer in the world.
    It is a much better alternative for smokers who can't quit.
