Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Imperial Tobacco Canada - slow illegal cigarettes/sue tobacco companies..

March 25, 2009 - Ontario's Attorney General Chris Bentley has introduced new legislation that, if passed, could allow the provincial government to seek billions of dollars in damages from the three big Canadian cigarette manufacturers: Imperial Tobacco; Rothmans, Benson and Hedges; and JTI-Macdonald. Imperial Tobacco Canada stated today, (March 24, 2009) that Ontario's lawmakers should take a stand against
illegal tobacco in Ontario rather than legislation such as the Tobacco Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act.

In 2008, the Canadian federal and provincial governments together lost
approximately $2.4 billion in taxes and that number is growing as the sale of
illegal cigarettes grows. The federal government's share was $1.1 billion. In
December, the Ontario Auditor General reported that the estimated tax loss for
Ontario in 2006-2007 was $500 million.

Imperial Tobacco Canada believes that if Ontario moves forward with a lawsuit, it will take years to resolve and will cost Ontario taxpayers millions of dollars. A similar action in British Columbia has cost BC tens of millions of dollars and it is still not over.

Reference: Ontario's Healthcare Cost Recovery Act Misses the Mark, Benjamin Kemball, president and CEO of Imperial Tobacco Canada, CNW Telbec, 3/24/2009.

Related news briefs: As tobacco prices rise - increase in illegal cigarette trafficing.., Taxes to fund SCHIP may slow illegal cigarettes into Canada.., Canada - Obama visit - help STOP cigarette smuggling from U.S..; Canada economic recession losing billions in unpaid tobacco taxes..; Canada - Police arrest 46 in tobacco crackdown..; Imperial Tobacco Survey - Canadian Illegal Tobacco Trade..; Canada - Introduction of Tobacco Stamp to combat contraband ..; Canada tobacco firms admit aiding smuggling...

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