Thursday, March 19, 2009

Minnesotans Support Tobacco Tax Increase even with federal tax increase..

March 19, 2009 - A new survey released today by ClearWay Minnesota(SM) found that an overwhelming majority (72 percent) of Minnesotans support increasing state tobacco taxes. Thirty-seven percent of respondents said the primary reason for their support is that higher taxes will encourage smokers to quit and prevent kids from becoming smokers, and 35 percent cited increased smoking-related health care costs as their primary reason. The survey was conducted by Minneapolis research firm Decision Resources, Ltd.

The survey found strong support for increasing tobacco taxes among all leading demographics, including geography, political and ideological affiliation, income, age and gender. For example, 78 percent of Republicans, 69 percent of Democrats and 66 percent of Minnesotans who identify as independents support a tax increase.

Support for an increase in the Minnesota state tax has not been diminished by the recently passed 62-cent per pack increase in the federal tax, which goes into effect on March 31, 2009. Forty-six percent of the survey respondents were already aware of the federal increase. Among those who weren't aware of the federal increase, after being informed, 80 percent said either that it made no difference in their opinion or it made them even more likely to support an increase in the state tax.

"Raising the price of tobacco products by increasing the tax is a win-win-win for Minnesota," said David Willoughby, Chief Executive Officer of ClearWay Minnesota. "Higher tobacco taxes improve health and reduce health care costs by reducing smoking, raise much needed revenue and are overwhelmingly popular with Minnesotans."

Reference: New Poll: 72 Percent of Minnesotans Support Tobacco Tax Increase Support is widespread and strong throughout Minnesota, Clear Way Minnesota, 3/12/2009.

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