Monday, March 16, 2009

Scotland - small businesses given extra 2-years to remove tobacco displays..

March 16, 2009 - Small retailers are to be given an extra two years to remove tobacco displays from their shops, the Scottish Government has announced. Large retailers such as supermarkets will have until 2011 to implement the ban, and smaller retailers until 2013.

Public Health Minister Shona Robison said the move was designed to minimise the impact on smaller businesses. A ban on cigarette displays at the point of sale is a key proposal in a recently published government bill.

Large retailers such as supermarkets will have until 2011 to implement the ban, and smaller retailers until 2013. Public Health Minister Shona Robison said the move was designed to minimise the impact on smaller businesses. Ms Robison said: "Point of sale marketing is a powerful tool - particularly among young people. I believe it's inappropriate for cigarettes to be promoted in this way and our bill proposes banning their display at point of sale. My aspiration is for Scotland to become smoke-free, but I also want it to be prosperous."

Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Bill is expected to become law later this year. Legislation to protect future generations from the devastating health effects of smoking is the main aim of bill published by the Scottish Government in February 2009.

Related news briefs: Scotland to ban cigarette displays and outlaw cigarette vending machines.. - the 2-year extension for small businesses can be found in this earlier report.

Reference: Tobacco displays given more time, BBC News, 3/15/2009.

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