Wednesday, March 4, 2009

UK - "NO Smoking Day" - Wednesday, March 11, 2009..

March 4, 2009 - No Smoking Day is the UK's (United Kingdom, Britain) leading health campaign for smokers who want to stop.

The Vision: To reduce tobacco related illness and death.

The Mission: To support smokers who want to stop by providing an opportunity to do so, and highlighting the effective help that is available.

The No Smoking Day campaign is organised by a charity of the same name run by four full-time staff. The charity is supported by a coalition of governmental and voluntary sector organisations with an interest in health; it manages the campaign alongside steering groups and partner organisations right across the United Kingdom.

The No Smoking Day campaign helps smokers who want to quit by creating a supportive environment for them, and by highlighting the many sources of help and advice available.

The Day remains the UK's foremost public health event, bringing together professionals who share an interest in promoting health, generating significant media coverage, and providing an annual focus for the three in every four smokers who want to stop.

Every year over a million smokers will use No Smoking Day to try to quit.

The No Smoking Day charity also conducts year-round initiatives to encourage and support smokers who want to quit. These projects target specific communities, and aim to address health inequalities by coordinating networks of public health professionals from across the public, voluntary and private sectors.

No Smoking Day T-Shirt"..

Click on image to enlarge..

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