Saturday, April 4, 2009

North Carolina tobacco companies and growers oppose possible tax increase..

April 4, 2009 - Tobacco companies and growers bought full page ads in several newspapers across North Carolina today, April 3, 2009 to help boost opposition to a possible increase in the state cigarette tax.

The newly formed N.C. Taxpayers Alliance emphasizes the estimated 50,000 jobs in the state linked to tobacco production and warns that higher taxes will harm the industry. Gov. Beverly Perdue has proposed a $1-per-pack increase, though the Senate is expected to reduce that number.

"It will hurt farm workers and tobacco factory workers," the ad says, "It will hurt convenience stores and their workers." The ads encourage readers to call their local legislators and encourage them to oppose a tax increase. The advertisements appeared in newspapers in Wilmington, Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, Wilson, Greenville, Burlington, Gastonia and Boone.

The members of the alliance are tobacco companies: Reynolds American, Lorillard, Universal Leaf and Swedish Match, along with the N.C. Tobacco Growers Association and the Cigar Association of America.

We Salute Senators Julia Boseman and R.C. Soles for Standing Up for Our Jobs and Our Economy, North Carolina Taxpayers Alliance.

Related news briefs: Reynolds American - NC Governor's tobacco tax increase - Outrageous..; NC Governor calls for an increase in the tobacco tax..; North Carolina - may consider raising taxes on alcohol and cigarettes..

Reference: Legal cigarette advertising submitted by Mark Johnson, The News&Observer, 4/3/2009.

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