Friday, March 13, 2009

Dr. Michael Cummings - former advisor receives 2009 Luther Terry award..

March 13, 2009 - K. Michael Cummings, PhD, Recognized for International Leadership in Tobacco Control..

The 2009 Luther L. Terry Awards for excellence in tobacco control were held this evening in Mumbai, on the last full evening of the 14th World Conference on Tobacco OR Health. K. Michael Cummings, PhD, MPH, of the United States: Recipient of the Award for Outstanding Research Contribution.

Dr. Cummings was the thesis advisor for Dr. Garten ( when he received his Master's Degree in Epidemiology from Department of Social and Preventive Medicine at the State University of New York at Buffalo..

Click on image to enlarge.., Dr. Cummings second from left.

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