Friday, April 24, 2009

Poland to ban smoking in indoor public places, in passenger cars if children present and prohibit display of cigarettes..

April 24, 2009 - Poland will ban smoking in indoor public places and in passenger cars if children are in them, Polish (Polskie) Radio said.

Smoking will be illegal in all enclosed public places nationwide, probably by the end of this year, the report said. The law will ban smoking in all workplaces, hospitals, schools, universities, railway and bus stations, airports and within a 10-meter (33 floot)) radius of non-smoking areas.

Managers of pubs and clubs will be permitted to decide whether to allow smoking in their establishments if they provide separate non-smoking rooms with "doors that close automatically," the Polish Radio said.

Stores will be prohibited from displaying cigarettes.

Tobacco in Poland..

Reference: Poland to ban indoor smoking,, 4/24/2009.

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