Friday, April 24, 2009

Prince Edward Island (PEI) gets tough on smoking bans including smoking in cars when kids are present..

April 24, 2009 - The P.E.I. government is eliminating designated smoking rooms in public places and work places; eliminating designated smoking areas on hospital grounds, with the exception of Hillsborough Hospital; prohibiting smoking in vehicles with minors under the ages of 19 present; prohibiting smoking on patios/decks of eating establishments and licensed establishments during certain hours of operation (Exempted between the hours of 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.).

There will be exemptions that permit designated smoking rooms for residents in long-term care facilities (public and private) as well as shelters for victims of domestic violence.

Health Minister Doug Currie announced the changes Friday. “We would like to thank the individuals and groups who made presentations to the standing committee,” said Currie. “The proposed amendments reflect many of the recommendations of the Standing Committee, following public consultations. I am confident that these changes will help to protect Islanders from the
harmful effects of second hand smoke.”

The proposed amendments include changes to the existing legislation that will prohibit smoking in motor vehicles when minors are present. Government is also proposing amendments to the Act that will prohibit smoking on hospital grounds, with the exception of Hillsborough Hospital. The amendments proposed to the General Regulations made under the Act will also limit outdoor smoking areas in certain public places, including patios and decks of eating establishments and licensed premises.

Reference: Province gets tough on smoking, Journal Pioneer, 4/24/2009.

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