Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Count Wisconsin as the 26th state to ban smoking..

May 12, 2009 - After months of trying, Wisconsin lawmakers are poised this week to pass a statewide ban on smoking in any workplace, including bars and restaurants. Twenty-five other states already have gone smoke-free, but the ban would mark a sea change for hard-partying Wisconsin, where beer and cigarettes go together like cows and hay.

State Senator Bob Jauch is applauding the smoking ban compromise reached between the Tavern League and the state. Jauch says the compromise version of the smoking ban will pass both houses by large majorities this week. The battle over smoking in public places has raged for years but Jauch says the compromise means everyone will be on the same page. Jauch credits the Governor Doyle for helping break the deadlock.

Jauch says not being able to smoke indoors won’t hurt the bottom line for bars. A March 2009 report by Indiana University's Center for Health Policy found that 47 of 49 studies concluded smoke-free regulations hadn't hurt the hospitality industry.

There’re some 30 communities in Wisconsin that have enacted their own smoking ban ordinances.

References" Jauch: Smoking ban will pass by big margins this week, BusinessNorth.com, 5/12/2009; Wisconsin Legislature poised to pass smoking ban by TODD RICHMOND, Associated Press, 5/11/2007.

Wisconsin related news briefs: Wisconsin may be the 26th state to ban smoking in all bars and restaurants..; Wisconsin - Increased Sales Tax Decrease in Smoking..; Wisconsin's achieves the lowest adult smoking prevalence ever..; The primary reason to increase the tax on tobacco is to get smokers to quit and dissuade kids from starting..; Wisconsin cigarette tax and tax on other tobacco products to increase January 1, 2008..;Wisconsin to Increase Tax on All Tobacco Products..; Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly (2-to-1) favor upping cigarette taxes by $1.25 a pack..

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