Friday, May 8, 2009

In Process - Household passive smoking and risk of ischemic heart disease..

May 8, 2009 - A study was conducted to investigate the relation between household passive smoking exposure and risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) among female never-smoke patients by a retrospective case-control analysis. The data collected data suggested an increased risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD) from passive household smoking in female never-smoke subjects, and demonstrated a dose-response association.

PAPER: Effect of Passive Household Smoking Exposure on the Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease in Never-Smoke Female Patients in Hong Kong, Ding Ding Jeffrey Wing-Hong Fung, Qing Zhang, Gabriel Wai-Kwok Yip Chi-Kin Chan and Cheuk-Man Yu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Tobacco Control - Published Online First: 7 May 2009, ABSTRACT....

Reference: Effect of Passive Household Smoking Exposure on the Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease in Never-Smoke Female Patients in Hong Kong, Tobacco Control, May 2009.

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