Monday, May 4, 2009

SC tobacco tax increase - doubt exists maybe NOT this year..

May 4, 2009 - Plans to raise the nation's lowest cigarette tax - 7 cents a pack and has not been increased since 1977 - to generate money for a new health insurance program are expected to move quickly through the senate.

The 50 cent increase would generate $139 million for a new health insurance program for low income workers. It cleared the House with a 97-22 vote last month. Today (May 5, 2009) the bill is expected to be sent to the Senate floor for debate. Because the tax is the same and the concept similar to what the Senate approved last year, supporters doesn't expect delays,

But they're finding no fan with South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, whose veto of a 50-cent tax increase last year killed a similar bill.

Doubts exist because of Sanford's role, the fear of a veto and a planned May 21 adjournment. Senate Minority Leader John Land, D-Manning, "My prediction is nothing will pass this year."

Reference: SC cigarette tax hike bill expected to move fast Jim Davenport, Associated Press Writer, 5/4/2009.

Related news briefs: South Carolina - can we expect a tobacco tax increase this year??; South Carolina a magnet for cigarette black market..; South Carolina - legislators eager to pass cigarette tax increase - the odds are against them??; South Carolina to spend NO money on tobacco prevention..; South Carolina (SC) will NOT devote any resources to anti-smoking programs..; In 2008 will the politicians do what's right for the State of South Carolina??; South Carolina - Tobacco Tax Increase Killed - State House Fails to Override Governor's Veto.. and Tobacco Tax Increase – What’s Wrong with South Carolina??

Image, learn more about the South Carolina Tobacco Collaborative..

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