Monday, May 4, 2009

Turkey - data on tobacco usage - Turkish Statistics Institution ..

May 4, 2009 - Turkish Statistics Institution (TÜİK) research data evaluated included tobacco and the consumption of tobacco products, exposure to cigarette smoke, tendency to quit tobacco products and people’s awareness of smoking’s effects on health. The report is a part of a global adult tobacco consumption research project done by the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control and prevention in 14 countries, including Turkey.

The data shows that both smokers and nonsmokers are aware of the dangers of smoking in terms of health. Among the smokers, 94.5 percent have noticed the warnings on cigarette packages in the previous 30 days. Some 31.3 percent of people over 15 in Turkey smoke either every day or every once in a while, also showed that 15.2 percent of women and 47.9 percent of men smoke.

Although the smoking rate is in general higher in urban areas, research findings indicate that men in rural areas smoke more than men living in cities if only by a small difference. The rate of smoking in urban areas is 33 percent and it is 27.2 percent for rural areas. The study showed 47.8 percent of men in urban areas smoke and 48.1 percent of men in rural areas smoke. The rate of smoking for women in cities is almost as twice as much for women in rural areas. The percent of women smokers in urban areas is 18.7 while the percentage is 7.2 for rural. The highest rate of smoking is among people between the ages of 25 to 34, with 40.3 percent smoking.

The amount of women who have never smoked is 74.8 percent in general, which rises to 85.2 for rural areas. The percent of women who smoke every day is 14.5 percent for cities and 5 percent for rural areas.
In this age group, 22.4 percent of women and 58 percent of men smoke. The smoking rate among young people from 15 to 24 years of age is pretty high at 25.4 percent.

When split in to rural and urban areas, the percentage of smoking men between 25 and 34 is 38.8 for cities and 41.9 for other places. Of 35- to 44-year-old men, 58.4 percent in Turkey in general smoke. In that age group, 62.2 percent of men in rural areas and 56.9 percent of men from urban areas smoke. The percentage of people over 65 who smoke is 10.3 percent. This rate drops to 2.4 percent for women and rises to 20.5 to men. The research indicates that 58.4 percent of men in the age group of 25 to 54 smoke.

Reference: ’Smoke like a Turk’not just an old, 5/4/2009.

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