Friday, May 15, 2009

Imperial Canada maker of du Maurier cigarettes boasting about their greener packaging..

May 15, 2009 - In a full-page advertisement inside Toronto Life magazine, Imperial Tobacco Canada, the wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of British American Tobacco p.l.c.(BAT) boasts that du Maurier cigarettes has new "greener" cigarette packages. Still no word on their plans for your black lungs.

Imperial has replaced foil wrapping with paper and uses external cardboard packaging that "meets standards supporting sustainable forest management,' according to the ad. Eric Gagnon, Imperial spokesman, "Our product is going to be in the waste or the dumpster, so what we try to do in terms of ... corporate social responsibility is do it in a good manner." Heather Marshall specializes in waste packaging issues for the Toronto Environmental Alliance: "Even with more recyclable packaging, the cigarette filters leave a toxic pollutant on streets and beaches, she said.

Cynthia Callard, executive director of Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada, had already seen du Maurier's green plans advertised on the plastic wrapping of older cigarette boxes. "I had to wonder," she said, "why isn't this space being used to give consumers more information on their health?"

According to a survey conducted by the National Geographic Society, both Canada and the United States rank near the bottom when it comes to consumer behaviors that affect the environment.

Reference: Smokes: First you'll feel green, and then you'll die.. Cigarette company touts environmental package.. by Moira Welsh - ENVIRONMENT REPORTER,, 5/13/2009.

Click on image to enlarge, Imperial Canada supplied photo..


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