Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kenya - smoking ban must be enforced - it's the law..

May 5, 2009 - Anti-tobacco campaigners want the Kenyan Government to protect the public from second hand smoke (ETS, environmental tobacco smoke, passive smoking, sidestream smoke, involuntary smoking) in all public places, including the streets.
They have also challenged Parliament to enact the necessary amendments to the Tobacco Control Act 2007 to protect non-smokers from second hand smoke everywhere accessed by the public but not currently covered in the Act.

In a joint statement yesterday, the Institute for Legislative Affairs and the Kenya Tobacco Control Alliance protested against the recent notice by the Ministry of Local Government indicating that people can now smoke freely on the streets. "A notice by Ministry of Local government that smoking in the street is allowed is contrary to the spirit of the Act, which gives the right to a smoke free environment and the constitutional right to life," said ILA Executive Director Rachel Kitonyo.

She said the announcement was in bad faith and the organizations can only read the hand of the tobacco industry in it.

Prof Peter Odhiambo of Tobacco Control Alliance described second hand smoke as extremely dangerous to the health of non-smoking public and causes diseases in children.

More on tobacco in Kenya.. About 12 per cent of cigarettes consumed in Kenya are illicit, either having entered into the country irregularly or those manufactured locally but destined for export markets finding their way back into the Kenyan market.

Related news briefs: Kenya - BAT declines to support charities - tobacco control laws..; Kenya - discrepancies between local smoke-free regulations and Tobacco Control Act..; Smoking ban starts in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya..; British American Tobacco (BAT) - 100 years in Africa...

Reference: Declare all public places smoking free, Government told by John Oyuke, The Standard, 4/25/2009; Ministry extends ban on smoking to the streets by Jim Onyango, Business Daily - Africa, 5/5/2009.

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