Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Moscow, Idaho bans smoking in bars, private clubs..

July 22, 2009 - - No more smoking in most of Moscow, Idaho. The City Council has banned smoking in bars and private clubs, relegating smokers to designated areas at least 20 feet away from entrances and prohibiting any indoor smoking rooms.

That news has some bar owners concerned. They say the ordinance dramatically alters the structure in which bar owners operate. But proponents, such as 26-year-old Katie Whittier, said the ban would protect public health.

Idaho law already prohibits smoking in public buildings, except bars and clubs. The state law also allows for cities to impose additional restrictions.

A public hearing on the proposed fines -- ranging from $10 to $50 for violations -- is set for Aug. 3. If the fees are voted into effect, the ban kicks in on Aug. 4.

Related news brief: Eagle - 1st city in Idaho to ban smoking...

Reference: Moscow City Council bans smoking in bars & clubs,, 7/21/2009.

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