Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nebraska - cigars bars should not be exempt from the state's anti-smoking law..

August 23, 2009 - Nebraska - on midnight Sunday, May 31, 2009 a law banning smoking went into effect in all public places and businesses except tobacco-only retailers, facilities that do research on the health effects of smoking, private homes. and 20 percent of hotel rooms.

Mark Welsch, president of the Group to Alleviate Smoking Pollution, told regulators Thursday, August 20th that smoking in cigar bars shouldn't be exempt from the state's anti-smoking law. Also Welsch said, speaking before the Liquor Control Commission, a rule requiring ventilation systems in cigar bars should be struck down. He said it gives the impression that the air is clean. (To be considered a cigar bar, at least 10 percent of a bar's sales must come from cigars and other tobacco and tobacco-related products — not including cigarettes.)

Cigar bars will become exempt August 30th from a state law that bans smoking inside most public buildings and private businesses including bars and restaurants. Welsch said the commission should add a rule that a cigar bar would cease to allow smoking if, acting on a complaint, a liquor commission inspector finds that smoke is seeping into a neighboring business. Welsch said smoking could resume in the offending cigar bar only if the smoke infiltration is prevented from recurring.

The state Liquor Control Commission will oversee the cigar bars. Executive director Hobert Rupe said the three commissioners would vote on rules at its September 2009 meeting. Once Gov. Dave Heineman and Attorney General Jon Bruning sign off on the rules, cigar bars could begin opening by early October 2009.

Reference: Nebraska anti-smoking group wary of where smoke blows by ERIC OLSON, Associated Press, 8/20/2009.

Nebraska - related news briefs: Nebraska - smoking ban - started at midnight on World NO Tobacco Day..; Nebraska's Smoke Free Law Goes into Effect June 1, 2009...

1 comment:

  1. i dont understand why government is going such against the cigar smokers?
    we have in large amount but government is not thinking about us. for example we can not buy or smoke cuban cigar in the country. the government should lift up this restriction.
