Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lexington County, South Carolina has a workplace smoking ban..

August 27, 2009 - After one of the longest and most divisive smoking-ban fights in South Carolina, Lexington County Council passed by the slimmest of margins (5-4) a smoking ban effective January 1, 2010 for all businesses in unincorporated Lexington County. Opponents of a workplace smoking ban said Tuesday, August 25th plan to target for defeat the five council members who voted for the ban. Most are conservative organizations against the ban draw support from former presidential candidate Ron Paul and television commentator Glenn Beck.

South Carolina has the shameful distinction of having the nation's lowest state cigarette tax, at 7 cents a pack, where it's been since 1977 (32 years). The national average for states is $1.27 a pack. Map of US - Cigarette tax for each state..

The ban will allow smoking only on outdoor decks at bars and restaurants in the unincorporated parts of the county. But the county plans to enforce the ordinance only when it receives complaints from the public, council chairman Debbie Summers said.

On March 31, 2008, the South Carolina Supreme Court unanimously ruled that local governments have the right to enact and enforce smokefree laws. At least 26 other local governments in South Carolina have adopted a ban since May 2006, when Sullivan’s Island led the move to outlaw smoking in workplaces. (Cities/Counties South Carolina Smoking Bans, Latest Could Be Rock Hill)

Reference: Finally, Lexington County smoking ban OK'dby Clif LeBlanc,, 8/26/2009.

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