Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rwanda - accepts donation from BAT for needy students..

September 1, 2009 - Kigali — British American Tobacco, Rwanda (BAT) Friday, August 28th awarded over Rwf 5 million to twelve needy students at the Kigali Independent University(ULK).

The Rwf 5,430,000 (9,627.660 USD) will cater for the students' education needs, scholarships and internships. The company's sub-Saharan Africa Area Regulatory Affairs Manager, Kabir Kaleechurn, underscored the role of the private sector in promoting community development.

He said BAT believes in adding value to the community in which it operates not only by being one of the major contributors in terms of taxes but also through helping the needy in Rwanda.

"By opening a door of opportunity to students and providing them with a platform for internships in private companies, the private sector allows them to bridge the theoretical skills acquired in school to the practical aspects of the ever changing business world," Kaleechurn said.

ULK Rector, Alphonse Ngagi, expressed his gratitude to BAT for the support and called upon other private organizations to emulate the company.

According to BAT, this is part of the company's partnership with the Ministry of Education.

Reference: Rwanda: BAT Donates to Needy Students, Fred Ndoli, The New Times - allAfrica.com, 8/30/2009.

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