Sunday, September 13, 2009

Maine - new law bans smoking in outside dining areas..

September 13, 2009 - As of yesterday Saturday, September 12th, smokers will not be able to light up when they are eating or drinking outside at restaurants.

The new state law bans smoking in outdoor dining areas. That includes restaurants, bars and snack bars. The law is modeled after Portland's smoke-free outdoor dining ordinance. The Seadog restaurant and the Whig and Courier in Bangor already ban smoking in their outdoor dining areas. The Seadog plans to post more signs and better enforce that rule. Whig and Courier owner Chris Geaghan says his restaurant has already gone smoke-free because his customers demanded it.

"You do hear from the non-smokers and it's hard to argue their point, especially if you care about their patronage," Geaghan said. "They should be able to sit in a smoke-free environment and enjoy their food products."

Smoking was banned in indoor dining areas ten years ago. Smoking Ban in Maine Deborah Anderson, Associated Content, 2/21/2007.

Reference: New Law Bans Smoking In Outdoor Dining Areas, Sarah Delage, Multimedia Journalist,, 9/12/2009.

Maine - related news briefs: Maine - smoking prohibited at states parks, beaches and historic sites..;
Maine - law banning flavored tobacco products - July 1, 2009..
Maine - illegal to smoke in cars while children present..
Star Scientific gets Maine lawmakers to repeal a ban enacted last September 20, 2007 on the sale of a tobacco lozenge product known as hard snuff..;
Maine - ban on flavored tobacco products..;
Maine Tobacco Tax Hike.

1 comment:

  1. They are now following page seven of the tobacco control handbook instructions to ban patio smoking AFTER business owners spent thousands of dollars to build them for their smoking customers instead of upfront. This clearly shows that these people have ABSOLUTLY NO CONCERN for local businesses. It's the "inside-out" provision on page seven. Once these people find gullible lawmakers and get a foot in the door, there;'s no stopping them.

    Notice that there's no mention of patios in the model "smoking ban for dummies" on page eight. They didn't want that to be seen.
