Friday, November 20, 2009

South Dakota - American Cancer Society won't appeal judges decision..

November 20, 2009 - Circuit Judge Kathleen Trandahl ruled Friday afternoon, November 13th there are sufficient valid signatures on petitions to refer the ban on smoking to a statewide vote next year. (Trandahl found that opponents of the ban had collected 2,244 more signatures than they needed to force a public vote.) Now officials for the American Cancer Society in South Dakota say they won't appeal a court decision that will now send a smoking ban in South Dakota bars, restaurants, casinos and other businesses to the vote of the people in 2010.

The announcement by the Society's government relations director Jennifer Stally came on the 34th annual American Cancer Society Great American Smoke Out Day. Stalley said in a news release that the Cancer Society "will begin in earnest our statewide effort to support the smoke free law on the November 2010 ballot and ensure that no one has to choose between their health and their job in our great state."

Circut Court Judge Kathleen Trandahl ruled on Nov. 13 that opponents of the ban had collected enough signatures to put the issue on the 2010 ballot. Trandahl found that opponents of the ban had collected 2,244 more signatures than they needed to force a public vote.

Bar and casino owners collected the signatures calling for a public vote. After the American Cancer Society challenged some of the signatures, Secretary of State Chris Nelson ruled that many of the signatures were invalid. See related news briefs below.. Ban backers then appealed Nelson's ruling, sending the matter to circuit court.

Reference: Cancer Society says it won't appeal smoking ban appeal decision by journal staff, Rapid City Journal, 11/19/2009.

South Dakota State Smoking Ban - Developments - related news briefs:
South Dakota - smoking ban passed by legislature still must go to a statewide vote..;
South Dakota (SD) - judge smoking ban legally eligible for statewide public vote..;
South Dakota - smoking ban, judge won't let ACS call witnesses - as trial nears..;
South Dakota - statewide smoking ban trial date moved to mid-November.;
South Dakota - trial delayed in fight to enforce smoking ban..;
South Dakota - new judge appointed in the smoking ban dispute..
South Dakota - ACS wants smoking ban passed by legislature to begin ASAP..
South Dakota - opponents of smoking ban gain a delay..;
South Dakota - petition rejected - state smoking ban to take effect..;
South Dakota - Secretary of State's Office still counting disputed signatures on the smoking ban petitions..;
South Dakota - anti-smoking leaders challenge petition..;
South Dakota - smoking ban to start July 1, 2009 may be delayed..;
South Dakota - opponents try to stop extended smoking ban..;
South Dakota - extends smoking ban effective July 1, 2009...

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