Thursday, December 3, 2009

Topeka, Kansas - smoking ban takes effect Friday, Decemer 4, 2010..

December 3, 2009 - The city is banning smoking in Topeka bars, but area bars aren't about to ban their smokers. No, they can't smoke inside come 12:01 a.m. Friday, but some bars are making adjustments to make outside smoke breaks a little more comfortable. Several bars that already have outdoor seating are improving it, and those that don't are looking at adding it. (Topeka, Kansas to ban public smoking indoors and at places of employment December 4, 2010..)

Some bars are unsure how the ban will play out. Already, some new bars had opened this year as nonsmoking establishments. A petition seeking to force a public vote that might overturn the ban is still in the works. Petitioners will need valid signatures from at least 5,744 registered Topeka voters. They are working to collect 10,000 signatures before turning in the petition for review and have collected about 3,300 signatures that appear to be valid, organizers said. Gail Trembley, a lead organizer, said more signing events are planned and petitioners will soon start going door-to-door. Currently, petitions are available at bars and other establishments in Topeka. For now, Trembley said bars are getting ready to comply with the new rules.

Topeka police Capt. Jerry Stanley said he was getting "a lot of 11th-hour phone calls about smoking issues." He said business owners should ask anyone violating the ordinance on their property to stop smoking and to call police if they don't.

For details about the ordinance..

Reference: Bars prepare for smoking ban Some establishments are modifying their patios by Barbara Hollingsworth, The Topeka Capital-Journal, 12/3/2009.

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