Saturday, August 15, 2009

Indonesia - after buying cigarettes very little left for food..

August 15, 2009 - Iwan, 30, an ojek (motorcycle taxi) driver a smoker earns between Rp 40,000 (US$4) and Rp 70,000 a day, and lets at least Rp 10,000 of his daily earnings go up in smoke buying cigarettes. His wife has repeatedly told him to stop smoking so that we can start saving money. But Iwan wonders, how can I? I have nothing else to do except smoke while waiting for my turn [to get passengers].”

Iwan is just one case in the Health Ministry’s data, which shows that 34 percent of citizens more than 15 years old are smokers. The figure is enough to put Indonesia in the world’s top three in terms of the number of smokers, trailing only China and India. A 2007 study by the Indonesian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IFPPD) found that 12 million heads of poor families smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day.

With more than 60 percent of the Indonesian labor force currently working in the informal sector, more effort should be put into running anti-smoking campaigns for this group, Soekidjo Notoadmodjo, a professor of public health at the University of Indonesia, said. “Unlike those who work in offices, people who work in the informal sector, like street vendors or public minivan drivers, are not tied down to particular work schedules or regulations,” he said. “Having flexible working hours, and sometimes excessive spare time, they simply consider smoking as a way to kill time and alleviate boredom.”

Bambang Setiaji, an official at the Health Ministry’s Health Promotion Center, said anti-smoking campaigns would be more effective if they shifted away from health reasons and focused on economic concerns. “Most smokers know that smoking may harm their health, but they just turn a deaf ear as they hear it [the message] too often,” Bambang said Wednesday, after defending his doctoral thesis on public health campaigns at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia.

“It would be more convincing if we told them [the smokers] they could buy a healthy meal for their family instead of a pack of cigarettes,” he said.
Involving 157 ojek (motorcycle taxi) drivers in Depok, West Java, Bambang conducted a four-month campaign through several media, using posters and biweekly discussions, on the economic benefits of kicking the habit.

Reference: How much did you earn today? How much for your cigarettes?, Hasyim Widhiarto, The Jakarta Post, 8/13/2009.

Indonesia related news briefs:
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Indonesia - last paradise to smoke in public places in Southeast Asia..;
Indonesia - Industry minister to close tobacco to new foreign investment..;
Indonesia Finance Ministry to cap tax deductions for tobacco companies..;
Indonesia - Smoking hits poor families the hardest, making the poor even poorer..;
Indonesia - Cigarette makers defy crisis, grows stronger..;
Indonesia - government may raise cigarette excise tax next year..;
WHO - Indonesia is crying out for your help..;
Indonesia - dispute with U.S. over banning the use of clove in cigarettes..;
Indonesia 'cash cow' for Philip Morris International..;
Tobacco industry has long targeted young people as "replacement smokers";
Indonesia - district court dismisses request to ratify FCTC..;
Asean Countries - Tobacco Industry Blocking Global Treaty On Tobacco..; Indonesia - farmers hold rally protest tobacco controls..;
Indonesia - tobacco farmers reject Islamic council's edict..; Indonesia - Ulema Council - debate results is split on smoking..;
Indonesia - Withdraw Sponsorhip of Another Rock Concert..;
Indonesia to increase tax on tobacco products..;
Semarang, Indonesia - Cigarette Smoking Areas to be Prepared..;
Jakarta, Indonesia - Malls help enforce non-smoking ban..;
Indonesia - federal anti-smoking laws in one year - MAYBE..;
Indonesia - NGO's (non-government organizations) Demand the Government Ratify WHO's FCTC.;
Indonesia to raise cigarette tax by 6 to 7% in 2009..;
Surabaya, Indonesia - anti-smoking bylaw 10/2009 - FOR REAL??
Indonesians smoking more than ever before..;
Indonesia further rise in the excise tax would hurt the cigarette industry..;
Alicia Keys - Jakarta Concert (July 31st) tobacco companies forced to withdraw sponsorship.. and
Most Indonesians support moves to ban tobacco advertisements...

PMI - to launch new Marlboro in UK on August 27, 2009..

August 15, 2009 - Philip Morris International cigarette brand Marlboro is set to launch its first new cigarette brand in two years (when Marlboro Silver was introduced in the UK). The packaging of this new Marlboro may be shaped like a lighter.

The new Marlboro will be unveiled to the market on August 27th.

Marlboro's product portfolio includes Marlboro Red, Marlboro Gold, previously called Marlboro Lights, and Marlboro Menthol.

A trial of the product in Russia came in packs styled like cigarette lighters, with an opening at the side. It is the first NPD (new product development) launch for Philip Morris Ltd since 2007, when it announced Marlboro Silver.

The Marlboro brand is named after Marlborough Street, the location of its original London Factory.

References: Marlboro to unveil first new cigarette brand in two years by Amy Golding,, 8/14/2009; Marlboro launches new cigarette brand,, 8/14/2009; Marlboro is set to launch a new brand in the UK, US Marlboro Country, 8/14/2009.

Ohio - enforcement of the Smoke-free Workplace Act..

August 15, 2009 - Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray and Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Director Alvin D. Jackson, M.D., today announced the first lawsuits filed against Ohio establishments for violations of the Smoke-free Workplace Act.

Complaints were filed in Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas against O'Neal's Tavern in Cincinnati and in Franklin County Court of Common Pleas against Zeno's in Columbus.

In November 2006, Ohioans passed the Smoke Free Act, making Ohio the 12th state to protect all workers and the public from exposure to secondhand smoke in public places. Enforcement began May 3, 2007. Since then, more than 44,000 allegations have been called in to Ohio's toll-free enforcement number, (866) 559-OHIO (6446).

The complaints seek a court order requiring the bars to comply with the state smoking ban. The suits were brought against these establishments because of their repeated and extensive violations over the last two years. According to court documents, O'Neal's Tavern has been cited for 12 violations accruing fines of more than $21,000, and Zeno's has been cited for nine violations and fines of more than $28,000.

"The issue at hand is clear disregard for Ohio law," said Cordray. "These establishments have been warned and fined repeatedly over a two-year period to no avail. They continuously push the limits and have given us no alternative but to seek the court's intervention."

With more than 280,000 public places and places of employment covered by the indoor smoking ban, Jackson noted the vast majority of Ohio businesses are complying with the law. Still, he added, ODH and its partners at Ohio's local health departments will aggressively investigate all complaints in their efforts to protect and improve the health of all Ohioans. To date, more than 3,100 warning letters have been issued to violators and more than 1,800 fines assessed.

"We take our commitment to enforcing the will of Ohio's voters seriously, and these filings illustrate that," Jackson said. "Businesses must comply with the Ohio Smoke-free Workplace Act by prohibiting smoking, removing ashtrays and posting no-smoking signs with Ohio's toll-free enforcement number."

Reference: Cordray, Ohio Department of Health Sue Ohio Establishments for Smoking Ban Violations,, 8/14/2009; Anderson Twp. bar sued over smoking by Kimball Perry,, 8/14/2009.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Turkey - small--scale retailers to demonstrate against smoking ban..

August 14, 2009 - Coffeehouse owners are preparing to hold a demonstration next week against Turkey's indoor smoking ban, claiming that sales decreased since the ban went into effect on July 19. Murat Ağaoğlu, head of the Turkey Coffeehouses and Refreshment Stand Owners' Federation, stated yesterday that they are planning to have a protest in Ankara on August 18.

“Our government did not take into consideration small-scale retailers' worries while adopting laws and regulations regarding a smoking ban one year ago. As representatives of small-scale retailers, we told the administrations our reservations. They listened to us, and they gave us one year in which the smoking ban was not implemented for bars, pubs, coffeehouses and restaurants even though it was [implemented] in other closed-area establishments. We also demanded smoking and nonsmoking sections in coffeehouses,” Ağaoğlu indicated in a written statement. However, he further stated that the ban has been negatively affecting small-scale retailers and they are “unable to earn their bread.”

“Because of the ban, our coffeehouse owners are in a difficult position. They cannot pay their debts; they cannot conduct their business as easily as in the past,” he pointed out, adding that they are not against the smoking ban but demand that smokers should be taken into consideration as much as nonsmokers.

Reference: Coffeehouse owners to demonstrate against smoking ban, Today's Zaman, 8/13/2009.

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Turkish Government - makes major move to improve the health of its citizens..;
Turkey - smoking ban starting July 19th will be enforced - these guys are serious..;
Turkey - poll indicates employers, their employees and customers support smoking ban in cafes, bars and restaurants..;
Turkey - July 19th total smoking ban, will employees lose jobs..;
Turkey - on July 19, 2009 will mark the beginning of “100 percent smoke-free air” in this country..;
Turkey - national smoking ban starts July 19, 2009..;
Turkey - quit smoking photo displayed in İstanbul's Taksim Square..;
Turkey - data on tobacco usage - Turkish Statistics Institution..;
Turkey - smoking ban in all bars, restaurants and coffeehouses starting July 19, 2009..;
Smoking ban in Turkey lowers cigarette consumption..;
Turkey's ban on pubic smoking goes into effect on Monday, May 19, 2008..;
British American Tobacco (BAT) reported group volume sales up for first quarter 2008..;
More on the quick fix for outdoor smokers..;
BAT to Acquire Most of Denmark's ST..;
More on Philip Morris International of the Future..;
WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2008...

Japan Tobacco, Inc, annual survey finds 24.9% adults smoke..

August 14, 2009 - Tokyo, August 14, 2009--- Japan Tobacco Inc. (JT, International) (TSE: 2914) today announced the results of its Japan Smoking Rate Survey, a study that has been carried out annually since 1965. The survey, conducted in May 2009, showed that 24.9 percent of Japanese adults are smokers. The company believes that total smoking rate in Japan has been slightly decreasing, as in past years. The reason for the decrease may be affected by various factors, including an aging society, increasing health consciousness, more stringent smoking regulations, and the introduction of cigarette vending machines with age verification functions.

The survey found that 24.9 per cent of adults were smokers, down from 25.7 per cent a year earlier. The percentage of male smokers dropped from 39.5 to 38.9, while the percentage of female smokers dropped from 12.9 to 11.9.

Click here to view the results of the survey..

The survey was conducted in May 2009 using a stratified two-stage sampling method, mailed to 32,000 adult men and women nationwide. JT collected 20,807 (65.0 percent) valid responses from the total population surveyed.

Japan - some related news briefs: Japan - plaintiffs have slim chance of winning against big tobacco..; Japan - convenience store sales fell in June 2009..; Japan - tobacco control people upset with smoker-only cafes..; Japan - Tokyo smoking cafes, people with children, those under 20 NOT allowed..; Japan - Kanagawa - bans smoking in public places starting April 2010..; Japan shelves tobacco tax hike for 2009.., Japan - Ruling party plans tobacco tax hike in 2009..; Japan Tobacco Starts Petition To Fight Tax Increase..; How to get most smokers to quit?? - Keep On Raising The Price..; Japanese lawmakers want to triple cigarette prices..; Japanese tobacco giants focus on point-of-sales cigarette purchases..; Japan - photos can be used to fool the age-verification cameras on some vending machines..; Vending Machines - Japanese protecting their children from becoming life-long nicotine addicts...

Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey - 2008..

August 14, 2009 - 2008 (Previous release)

In 2008, 18% of Canadians reported smoking either every day or occasionally, roughly the same rate since 2005. Smoking prevalence among adults aged 25 and older dropped from 19% in 2007 to 17% in 2008. Most notably, the smoking rate for women in this age group dropped from 18% in 2007 to 15% in 2008.

Nearly one-half (48%) of adults aged 20 to 24 and just under one-third (31%) of teens aged 15 to 19 reported ever having tried little cigars or cigarillos. The rate of people having smoked a little cigar or cigarillo in the 30 days prior to the survey was 12% for 20 to 24 year olds and 9% for 15 to 19 year olds.

Rob Cunningham, a senior policy analyst for the Canadian Cancer Society, said he's concerned about the slowing of the decline in smoking. He blamed the widespread availability of inexpensive contraband cigarettes, and noted that higher tobacco taxes are the most effective way to reduce smoking. "These cheap cigarettes, which may be 80 to 90 percent off, are having an adverse impact on how fast smoking rates are declining," he said in an interview Thursday, August 13th from Ottawa.

Cunningham: The contraband cigarettes are undermining gains made through smoke-free laws, bans on retail displays and controls on advertising. He urged the federal government and the provinces of Quebec and Ontario to take stronger action to get the contraband situation under control.

"These flavored little cigars, which come in flavors such as ice cream, peach and candy and fruit and cherry and so on, are a huge problem," Cunningham said. "Ten years ago, they essentially didn't exist in the market." He praised a government bill to ban them which was passed in the House of Commons in June and urged the Senate to do the same as quickly as possible.

Note: The Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) and the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) produce estimates of national and provincial smoking rates. There are a number of differences between these two surveys. Each uses a different sampling frame.

The annual sample for CTUMS is 20,000, compared to 65,000 for CCHS. In the CCHS, smoking questions are asked in the context of a wide range of health-related behaviors; in CTUMS, all questions are related to smoking.

These factors can influence the estimates produced at a single point in time. However, the trends produced by the two surveys have been very consistent over time. Rather than comparing smoking rates produced from the two surveys, users should choose a single source, depending on their objectives, and use that source consistently.

Reference: Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey, Statistics Canada, 8/13/2009; Overall smoking rates about the same, decline seen among women 25 and up: StatsCan, The Canadian Press, 8/13/2009; Smoking rate stuck at 2005 level by KATHLEEN HARRIS, National Bureau Chief, Sun Media,, 8/13/2009.

Related news briefs: Canada - half of smokers have tried to quit..; Canada - federal government introduces legislation to ban flavored tobacco products..; Why NOT make it illegal for kids to smoke??; Alberta - smoking rate at an all time low..; Canadian Cancer Society calls for federal ban on flavored cigars...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

92-year-old wins $1.9 million tobacco judgment over wife’s death..

August 13, 2009 - A Florida jury awarded a 92-year-old man $1.9 million in compensatory damages for the death of his wife, a former two-pack-a-day Marlboro smoker who started when she was 16 and died in her 70s, attorneys said Thursday.

The jury of five women and one man deliberated for slightly more than a day before awarding a total of $5.3 million and finding Philip Morris USA 36.5 percent responsible for the lung cancer that plaintiffs said killed Leon Barbanell’s wife, Shirley, attorneys for both sides said.

Shirley Barbanell herself was deemed 63.5 percent responsible.

Plaintiff’s attorney Jonathan Gdanski said the jury found a design defect and a breach of warranty.

Philip Morris announced that it plans to appeal the case, one of thousands of “Engle progeny” cases, named after a 2006 Florida Supreme Court decision that decertified a class-action lawsuit against the tobacco industry. That case involved Dr. Howard A. Engle, a Miami Beach pediatrician and smoker who served as the lead plaintiff in the class-action suit.

The decertification decision let former class members file lawsuits individually, and thousands did.

Reference: 92-year-old wins $1.9 million tobacco judgment over wife’s death,, 8/13/2009.

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Philip Morris USA sees decline in health lawsuits..;
Dr. Howard A. Engle, the veteran pediatrician who lent his name to a landmark class action suit against Big Tobacco, dies..;

R.J. Reynolds to appeal plaintiff's award of $30 million..
R.J. Reynolds loses Florida court trial - widow gets $30 million..;
Nik Modi, tobacco analyst with UBS: Supreme Court Case "was a coin flip..";
California Supreme Court rules consumers can file lawsuits against tobacco industry..;
First menthol-cigarette lawsuit in the world filed in Israel..;
Law Suit Filed Against Philip Morris USA, Inc. - Marlboro Lights..;
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Big Tobacco..;
U.S. Supreme Court 2008-2009 term, Altria v Good (07-562)..;
U.S. Supreme Court: Good v. Altria Group,.;
Justices turn down smokers' lawsuit against tobacco companies..;
Cigarette Makers Face Thousands of New Florida Lawsuits...

Global duty free and travel retail tobacco sales slumped by -19.3%..

August 13, 2009 - In the first quarter of 2009, global duty free and travel retail tobacco sales slumped by -19.3% compared with the same quarter in 2008 – according to the Travel Retail Executive News (TREND) Tobacco Index which is based on actual audits of retail sales among a panel of locations worldwide.

"This is probably the worst quarter ever recorded for the tobacco business which has been battered in travel retail and elsewhere", says Yngve Bia, President Generation Research. "Sales were especially poor onboard airlines with a sales decline of -26.5%. Also airport sales were down steeply by -24.0%".

Sales in Asia Pacific and the Middle East held up relatively well in 1Q 2009 whilst significant drops were recorded in Europe (-21.2%) and the Americas (-12.3%). In Europe it is especially intra-EU duty-paid sales that have suffered, down by -21.6% in Euros and equal to a drop of -31.5% in US dollars.

The TREND 12 Months Tobacco Moving Average Index, adding together the results in the past four quarters up to 1Q 2009, closed at 99.3 (see chart) effectively meaning that the trend in global sales – in US$ – is flat or marginally down -0.7%. The pace in the downturn has been accelerating, however, as seen in the most recent six-month period between October 2008 and March 2009 where sales have dropped by -13.4% on average.

Amidst concerns of dramatically falling sales numbers, the tobacco industry is also faced with the challenging fact that many governments around the world – and particularly some in Asia – are considering supporting a ban on duty free cigarettes as part of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

Cigarette sales slumped -19.0%; Cigar sales plummeted -23.0% and Cut Tobacco joined on the downside with a drop of -19.9% in sales. In the overall duty free and travel retail tobacco market some companies managed to improve their market shares including market leader Philip Morris stretching its lead from a 35.5% market share in 1Q 2008 to 35.6% in 1Q 2009. Among the Top 4 Companies, the biggest loser was BAT that saw its market share being reduced by 0.67 percentage points to 25.6%.

The global duty free and travel retail tobacco market is totally dominated by the Top 4 Companies Philip Morris International, BAT, JT International and Imperial Tobacco that together represent 88.7% of global sales in value terms.

The fifth most important company now ranks as Gold Bond Enterprises with a market share of 1.7% in 1Q 2009. Gold Bond Enterprises is the exclusive agent for the Shanghai Tobacco (Group) Corp's brands, including its best-seller brand Chung Hwa.

"A lot is being said about the growing importance of China as an economy to reckon with in the future. Now we also start to see products from China making inroads in the duty free and travel retail market, supported by the growing number of Chinese nationals travelling abroad", says Bia.

Chung Hwa is a golden virginia type cigarette, regarded as one of the top ten brands in China with annual turnover of some US$ 3.0 billion. Its export volume has grown steadily since the late 1980s and it is today sold in a total of some 50 countries in duty free and duty paid.

In 1Q 2009 Chung Hwa ranks as the No. 9 most important cigarette brand in global duty free and travel retail tobacco trade. "The Chinese consumers are very brand loyal so where the Chinese go Chung Hwa is a straight sell", says Bia.

Additional cigarette brands that kept or improved their market shares in 1Q 2009 as compared to 1Q 2008 include market leader Marlboro as well as Rothmans, Winston, Lucky Strike, Davidoff and Karelia. Important brands losing market share included B&H and Silk Cut.

It may be too early to say that the cigar craze is over, but the fact remains that cigar sales tumbled -23.0% in 1Q 2009 vs 1Q 2008. Among the top brands market leader Davidoff saw its market share drop from 13.4% in 1Q 2008 to 12.6% in 1Q 2009. Additional major cigar brands with falling market share numbers included Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, King Edward and Hoyo.

Cigar brands strengthening their importance and market share included Villiger, Danneman and Partagas especially.

Earlier today on TREND it was reported that the Villiger Group, celebrating its 120th Anniversary this year, is enjoying a booming business. Commenting on the progress, Chris Pfister, Director of Export Sales said: "We have recently obtained the first official listing of cigars in Vietnam with 'Villiger 1888' and 'Villiger Premium brands'. Substantial expansion has also been noted in Middle East travel retail markets due to extensive sales training and effective point of sale branding".

Additional cigar winners gaining market share in 1Q 2009 were Montecristo, Wintermans and Agio.

Meanwhile, sales of Cut Tobacco plunged -19.9% in 1Q 2009 versus 1Q 2008. Market leader Golden Virginia lost 1.8 percentage points in market share ending 1Q 2009 with a share of 24.1% of the global Cut Tobacco market. Among the major brands also Port Royal, General (= Snuff) and Borkum Riff experienced declining market share numbers.

In roll-your-own tobacco, Drum showed progress in terms of gaining market share, whilst both van Nelle and Samson lost market share.

The global duty free and travel retail tobacco market is supplied by a total 101 companies offering a total of 345 brands offering products in some 3,500 varieties. Interestingly, apart from the Top 4 companies (see above) representing 88.7% of the total business, no less than 97 companies compete for a slice of the remaining 11.3% portion of the market.

Source to above data: TRAQ Tobacco, Generation Research, Sweden

The statistical contents in this feature are only as up-to-date as their availability and compilation allowed at the time of publishing. All statistical numbers shown here are subject to review and revision in subsequent features and charts as additional source material becomes available.

Read more about the TREND Indices and their compilation – click here.

Read more about the duty free and travel retail Tobacco industry on in section Best & Most.

Reference: In the first quarter of 2009, global duty free and travel retail tobacco sales slumped by -19.3% compared with the same quarter in 2008 by Generation Research, TrendNews, 8/11/2009.

South Korea - tobacco imports surge 396-fold over 10-years..

August 13, 2009 - South Korea's cigarette imports surged over the past 10 years amid steady demand for foreign brand products, the Korea Customs Service said Tuesday, August 11th.

South Korea imported 11,478 tons of tobacco products last year, compared with 29 tons in 1998. This marked a 396-fold gain over the past decade. Tobacco imports were worth $77.5 million, compared with $220,000 a decade ago.

Cigarette imports have been growing fast since 2000 on increasing demand for foreign brands. South Korea brought in a total of 1,410 tons of foreign tobacco products in 2002 and it surged to 6,857 tons the following year. The import stayed in the range between 6,000 tons and 7,000 tons until 2007.

During the first half of this year, South Korea's cigarette imports amounted to 5,733 tons, up 6.3 percent from the same period a year earlier. In terms of value, they are worth $41 million, which is also 16.5 percent higher from a year earlier, the data showed.

By country, cigarettes produced in the Philippines amounted to 4,448 tons, making up 77.6 percent of the total import during the first half of this year. Malaysia ranked second with an 8.1 percent share, followed by France and Japan with 6.7 percent and 6.6 percent, respectively. Most of them carry brands of high-profile multinational tobacco companies based in the United States and Europe.

Meanwhile, South Korea's cigarette exports remained at 157 tons in the first half of this year. Of the total, 72.6 percent went to Iran, followed by China and Singapore with 41 tons and 1 ton, respectively. Korea Tobacco & Ginsen Corporation (KT&G) is the largest tobacco product manufacturer and exporter in South Korea. Every year this company produces and sell more than 100 billions cigarettes worldwide. A significant share of this quantity is made up by Esse cigarettes which is the best selling brand of KT&G.

Cigarette consumption (2008) various countries.

More - Tobacco in South Korea..

Reference: Tobacco Imports Surge 396-Fold Over 10 Years, The Korea Times, 8/11/2009.

Korea - some related news briefs: Korea - slight increase in men smoking.. ; South Korea - anti-tobacco campaign - body painting..; Korea - smoking ban just about everywhere by end of 2009..; Tobacco marketing in South Korea has been deliberately aimed at girls and young women..; Korea - smoking rates fall for men and women...

Kentucky - more cities going smoke free..

August 13, 2009 - Lexington approved the first indoor smoking ban in Kentucky in 2003. Since then, there have been more than 20 other cities, counties and health departments to pass rules limiting indoor smoking in public places.

The Prestonburg KY city council approved a relatively strong ban on smoking in public places Monday night, August 10th. After rejecting an exemption for businesses with patrons 18 and older, such as bars, council members voted 5-2 in favor of the ordinance, which will allow smoking in outdoor areas of restaurants and in private clubs. The smoking ban takes effect November 1, 2009.

Scott Lockard, vice president of the Kentucky Public Health Association and director of the Clark County health department, said during the meeting that some bingo games, including those in Clark County, have enjoyed increased revenues because people buy more concessions when they're not smoking. Prestonsburg's ban will be among the stronger ordinances in the state, Lockard said.

The bans in Campbellsville and London were the first in the southern region of the state. Campbellsville Mayor Brenda Allen says that city approved an indoor smoking ban in June, which will take effect in September. London city attorney Larry Bryson says the ban will become effective when the ordinance is published and employers will have up to 60 days to put it in place.

The city commission in Bowling Green voted down a proposed indoor smoking ban, and the board of the 10-county Lake Cumberland District Health Department last year refused to pass a resolution supporting efforts to ban smoking in public places. (London, Campbellsville approve smoking bans by Bill Estep, The Lexington Herald-Leader, Ky., 8/4/2009)

Reference: South-central Ky. city passes smoking ban, - Knoxville, TN, 8/5/2009; Prestonsburg council approves smoking ban by Dori Hjalmarson, Lexington Herald-Leader, 8/11/2009.

Smoking - negative effects on your external qualities..

August 13, 2009 - Aside from the extremely nasty internal effects of smoking, such as cancer and emphysema, (for the full list of cigarette causing disease click here) it's really no surprise as to how much smoking negatively effects your external qualities as well.

As the positively ageless, and smoke-free, Cindy Crawford once said "The age you had at 25 is the face that God gave you, but the one you have after 50 is the face you have earned."

So, throw away the lighter, and cold turkey that last pack because quitting is worth every single eyelash and collagen molecule you have left on that face.

Here is a list of a few ways smoking ruins good looks:

1. Ew! Who stinks? - You smoke, you smell. Simple as that. No matter how many Altoids you pop or how many body sprays you own in the glove box, that smell will linger. Second-hand smoke kills. And sadly, children are at the most significant risk. Spare their air, please.

2. Two words = Premature Wrinkles. Because smoking significantly decreases collagen, (which is a key element to the plump and supple look of young skin) that means that premature crows feet and lines around the lips will be part of the inevitable ugly-making package. The only known treatment to reverse these side effects are skin-tight face lifts, which if you haven't notices, simply look ridiculous. (Just google "Joan Rivers.")

3. Like crew-cuts or lifeless limp locks? The chemicals in cigarette smoke contribute to the future outcome towards significant dull, brittle, greying, and balding hair.

4. No whitening strip will save you. Aside from the permanent yellow tinge, the plaque build up, and purple gums, cigarette smoking can actually contribute to the loss of teeth and gums. Hey, on the bright side, at least you won't have to buy anymore of those Billy Bob Teeth.

5. Yellow fingers and a muffin top. The effects of cigarette chemicals on the body are horrendous. Aside from the tar stains, the chemicals which bring your female hormones all out of wack, also cause overall skin sagging. Under the arms, around the neck area, in addition to a very unflattering "humpty dumpty" shape around your midsection.

P.S. There's nothing more sad than the lady that carries/parades around pictures of her younger, prettier former self in her wallet to show to random strangers of what she once was.

For more info: Quit Smoking

Reference: Skin care 101: How smoking effects your beauty, Mira Torres - SF Beauty Examiner, - Charlotte, 8/12/2009.

A few related news briefs: Smoking a contributor to many dermatologic conditions and complications..; Tobacco smoking makes you old before your time..; A girl's guide to naturally beautiful skin...

Turkey - anti-smoking advocates happy with early results of smoking ban..

August 13, 2009 - It’s just over three weeks since a ban on smoking tobacco products indoors took hold in Turkey. Despite initial concern about how the public would react to prohibition, anti-smoking campaigners are so far delighted with the early results.

Now that the ban is in effect, authorities are shifting attention to enforcement, while continuing efforts to educate smokers and owners about the legislation, as well as raise awareness about the health risks associated with smoking. [For background see the Eurasia Insight archive]. A nationwide team of over 4,000 anti-tobacco officers, comprising local officials and law-enforcement authorities, is responsible for following up on calls to hotlines, and for performing spot checks on establishments. An estimated 20,000 spot checks occurred during the first two weeks of the ban. These surprise visits indicated that 94 percent of the establishments inspected were conforming to the new rules; a figure that is a source of satisfaction for authorities.

But early implementation success is not breeding complacency within the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has been an outspoken proponent of the ban. Officials are well aware of public opinion numbers that show over 90 percent of Turks support the ban, but only 48 percent think it will prove durable. Vigorous enforcement early on, then, may be the key to the ban’s ultimate success. Already, over 2,500 official warnings have been issued to smokers, and to proprietors who allowed smoking in their establishments.

For owners and customers of bars; reactions have been mixed. In late July, a cafe owner in the Tarlabasi District of Istanbul complained about lost business. "I normally have three or four tables occupied during the early evening, I’m now lucky if I have even one table," Tahir Silmaz said. "I won’t be able to survive like this, particularly in the winter." (Turkey - cafe owners complain about smoking ban..)

Outside another cafe two customers discussed their situations in relation to smoking outdoors. Marat commented that he still smoked inside the cafe sometimes in contravention of the ban. "It’s not always safe to smoke outside. . . . Look around you; there are women everywhere on this street. What happens if a man decides that I have been looking at his wife or girlfriend? It could start a blood feud."

Sadly, there have been instances of violence related to the ban. On July 29, four customers were asked to put out their cigarettes in the town of Saruhanli, in southwestern Turkey. A fight broke out and bar owner Hidir Karayigit, 46, was shot and killed, and his business partner shot and injured. "I’m deeply saddened that the first smoking-ban murder occurred in our town," the mayor Saruhanli was quoted as saying by the Hurriyet Daily. "They either shouldn’t have outlawed smoking or they should have outlawed alcohol along with smoking." (Turkey - smoker wounds manager and kills his friend when asked to stop smoking..)

Other owners have gone to extremes to circumvent the ban; including an owner in Manisa who simply removed the roof of his establishment. There is also an instance of a cafe in Istanbul where the proprietors installed two garden hoses that run outside, one containing a lit cigarette and the other hose for exhaling. In another case, a barber in Konya moved all of his shop’s the chairs into the garden.

In most cases, however, the ban is proving effective. Dr. Toker Erguder of the World Health Organization is delighted so far. Erguder "This is a very difficult period for Turkey, it’s in the top 10 smoking nations in the world; so far implementation has been very good."
Editor's Note: Jonathan Lewis is a freelance reporter and photographer based in Istanbul.


Turkey - related news briefs:
Turkey - smoker wounds manager and kills his friend when asked to stop smoking..
Turkey - cafe owners complain about smoking ban..;
Turkey - dangers of secondhand smoke media campaign..;
Turkish Government - makes major move to improve the health of its citizens..;
Turkey - smoking ban starting July 19th will be enforced - these guys are serious..;
Turkey - poll indicates employers, their employees and customers support smoking ban in cafes, bars and restaurants..;
Turkey - July 19th total smoking ban, will employees lose jobs..;
Turkey - on July 19, 2009 will mark the beginning of “100 percent smoke-free air” in this country..;
Turkey - national smoking ban starts July 19, 2009..;
Turkey - quit smoking photo displayed in İstanbul's Taksim Square..;
Turkey - data on tobacco usage - Turkish Statistics Institution..;
Turkey - smoking ban in all bars, restaurants and coffeehouses starting July 19, 2009..;
Smoking ban in Turkey lowers cigarette consumption..; Turkey's ban on pubic smoking goes into effect on Monday, May 19, 2008..;
British American Tobacco (BAT) reported group volume sales up for first quarter 2008..; More on the quick fix for outdoor smokers..;
BAT to Acquire Most of Denmark's ST..;
More on Philip Morris International of the Future..;
WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2008...

Click on image to enlarge; this vendor sells no-smoking posters on the street for those businesses legally required to display a copy. Selling at $1.00 each, he has been doing good trade. Now, however, almost everyone has one. (Jonathan Lewis for EurasiaNet)

New Jersey town bans smoking on beach, boardwalk, sidewalk..

August 13, 2009 - Some towns down the Jersey Shore have banned smoking on their boardwalks. Others, like Belmar, have set up smoking zones on the beach but away from most sunbathers. Last week Seaside Heights approved an ordinance that requires smokers to remain within 20 feet of the boardwalk if they want to light up.

But little Bradley Beach in Monmouth County is about to one-up everybody.

The mayor and town council say they will soon pass an ordinance to ban smoking on the beach, the boardwalk, in fact, all the way out to the curb of Ocean Avenue (that includes a sidewalk).

"I usually don't come here that much because I have bad asthma and I really can't take it," says Calli Dobrzynski, a member of the Mayor's Youth Advisory Board. So Calli asked her fellow board members to support smoking zones for their beach. But when they took the idea to the council, the adults decided to go a step further and just ban smoking. Period.

"Why stop at a partial ban? Why not just say we are committed to keeping our beach clean and our people healthy," said Mayor Julie Schreck.

When the council formally passes it in the next few weeks, it will be the first such complete ban on beach and boardwalk smoking anywhere in New Jersey.

Smoker Mike Mortimer is none too happy. "At least give is a choice," he said. But youth board member Paul DePiano said "Usually adults don't listen to kids. It's pretty exciting and thrilling."

As for losing smoking tourists, the mayor said, "if the ability to smoke on the beach is your criterion for which beach you're gonna go to, we'll be very sorry to see you go but the rest of the people here will enjoy clean air and a clean beach."

The total beach and boardwalk smoking ban won't take effect until after this summer's season is over. But by next summer, smokers will have to cross Ocean Avenue in order to light up.

Reference: Jersey Town Bans Smoking on Beach, Boardwalk, Sidewalk by BRIAN THOMPSON,, 8/13/2009.

Tobacco analyst - c-store tobacco sales not as bad as could have been..

August 13, 2009 - On a scale of 1 to 10, in terms of what could have happened in tobacco this past year, UBS tobacco analyst Nik Modi places the actual impact at a three or a four. That is despite the fact that, as Modi said—referring to the downtrodden economy, federal excise tax and state excise tax increases and federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) regulation—"Everything that could have happened that we didn't want to happen, happened."

But as Modi titled his presentation at the Convenience Store/Petroleum (CSP) Annual Tobacco Category Review Meeting, "It Could Be Worse." In fact, citing an exclusive tobacco survey conducted by CSP Daily News and Modi, which asked c-store retailers how their cigarette trends have been, relative to their expectations of federal excise tax (FET) effects; "90% said in line or better than they expected.... So c-store retailers are telling Modi it's not as bad as you thought," he said.

One impact since the FET took effect on April 1 has been consumers moving either to the premium end or fourth-tier cigarettes. "So you're getting this phenomenon with the middle, which is happening across a lot of other categories," he said. "It's getting squeezed. It's the really inexpensive stuff that's working, or people just saying, 'You know what, the price gaps are narrowed on a percentage basis, I'm just going to buy a pack of [premium]'."

And despite low first-half volume growth, industry profits actually have grown, based on price elasticity, for Reynolds (8.2%), Altria (3.8%) and Lorillard (21.4%). Modi said that although he expects underlying cigarette industry volumes to be soft for three more quarters (reaching -9%), the first quarter of 2010 should show a return to a more normalized decline rate of -4%.

He added, however, that for a continued positive outlook, the industry needs to band together. "The tobacco industry has a massive army of people on the ground, but the industry is way too splintered and there's too much in-fighting," he said, adding that between retailers, managers, wholesalers and tobacco companies, the category has a lot of people behind it. "Given the amount of legislative pressure this industry is under, there is more that the industry can do, but it will require alignment."

Reference: Seeing Through the Smoke
Issues in the tobacco industry haven't had expected impact, analyst says
by Linda Abu-Shalback Zid, CSP Daily News, 8/12/2009.

Click on image to enlarge..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sri Lanka - ambiguity in Alcohol and Tobacco Act..

August 12, 2009 - Opinion - A. J.B. Anghie, Deputy Chairman, Sri Lanka Cancer Society - I refer to your news item on the Alcohol and Tobacco Act in your issue of 29th July 2009, and would like to draw attention to an ambiguity in the law.

The Act No. 27 of 2006 states - " Clause 39 (2) Any person who being the owner, occupier, proprietor, manager, trustee or person in charge of any enclosed public place shall ensure that no person smokes any tobacco product within any such enclosed public place:

Provided however -
(a) any hotel, guest house or lodge having thirty rooms or more;
(b) any restaurant or club having the seating capacity of a minimum of thirty persons; or
(c) an airport, may, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), have within its premises an enclosed space or enclosed area as the case may be, set aside EXCLUSIVELY FOR SMOKING and shall conform to the prescribed air quality standards." (my capitals)

The phrase ‘exclusively for smoking’ is rather ambiguous and needs clarification. It needs to be stated whether it means ONLY for smoking and nothing else. Whether food and drink could be served and consumed in these areas as is the practice in some star class hotels at present. Whether any other activity such as indoor games may be pursued in these areas.

Further, whether the air conditioning in these areas should be separate from the
central air conditioning system.

Reference: Opinion - Glaring ambiguity in Alcohol and Tobacco Act, The Island Online - Sri Lanka, 7/30/2009.

Sri Lanka - related news briefs:
Sri Lanka - NATA to advise government and tobacco industry..;
Sri Lanka - Industry gimmick to entice youth to smoking..;
Sri Lanka - huge drop in tobacco smoking..

Click om image to enlarge..

C-store Update - Camel SNUS, Marlboro Blend No. 54, Moist Snuff..

August 12, 2009

Camel SNUS and then there were 12..

Click on image to enlarge..

In the Summer of 2006 Camel Snus was first introduced each can containing 20-pouches in two cities – Austin, TX and Portland, OR. Then in April of 2008 R.J.Reynolds lowered the number of pouches per container from 20 to 15. (At this time Marlboro Snus had 12-pouches per can.) Now Reynolds has again reduced the number pouches from 15 to 12-pouches per can and labeled the can "Special Trial Offer" and reduced the price per can to $1.99 (in North Carolina). The number of free giveaways have been reduced and no longer does the c-store get free cans to sell. Reynolds for the second quarter 2009 stated that Camel Snus achieved the equivalent cigarette market share of 0.3 percentage (Reynolds accounted a tin of snus equaling a pack of cigarettes since they are similarly priced.) I can tell you - from the c-stores we visit Camel Snus does not sell even at the $1.99 per can. In fact, just yesterday a c-store owner claims he even threw some cans out because it was taking up too much space in his cooler.

PM has revamped the Marlboro Snus concept with new packaging, product enhancements and pricing. Notice that there's only 6-pouches per container down from 12-pouches per container.

Click on image to enlarge..

Philip Morris promotion of Marlboro Blend No. 54 turned out to be a flop.. PM describes this product as a menthol-flavored cigarette with a tobacco blend that is described as having a richer, bolder taste.

The promotion period was suppose to be from June 17, 2008 - July 26, 2009. The introductory price will be $2 off per pack and $20 off per carton. Initially these
cigarettes were a big seller, in fact, one c-store owner stated that he could not keep enough in stock and the wholesaler had limited distribution. Sales were probably strong because of the price at $2.42 a pack compared to Newport at $4.63 a pack (North Carolina>. We have found that PM had problems making this menthol and the promotion period was cut short. Now with the Blend No. 54 at regular price there's not anything remarkable about its sales. PM recently closed a production plant in Cabarrus County, North Carolina.

Click on image to enlarge..

PM's premium moist snuff (Skoal, Copenhagen) versus price value/discount Conwood's Grizzly. (Conwood is a subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc.)

Altria Group Inc. in early January 2009 completed its $10.4 billion acquisition of UST, Inc. At this time Altria's Michael E. Szymanczyk - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer indicated a little tweaking is necessary for the UST's premium brands - Copenhagen and Skoal to return these brands to some modest share growth. Meanwhile you have the discount brand Grizzly - the nations number one moist snuff brand - expanding its market share in the second quarter 2009 to 25.5 percent, up 2.2 percentage points.

Altria's first attempt at tweaking the UST's premium brands was to lower the price of Skoal and Copenhagen by one-dollar in the Southeast United States. As of February 1, 2009 the price of Skoal and Copenhagen was reduced - the promotion was suppose to last until March 28, 2009. After this promotion ended Altria cut the wholesale prices of its premium products about 20 percent.

Szymanczyk - regarding his moist snuff products emphasizes we're not trying to buy a business here (by continuing to reduce the price of their premium brands). What we’re trying to do is build brands Szymanczyk talks about loyalty to particular brands. UBS, New York, tobacco analyst Nik Modi decreases in the price did not boost the sales of Skoal and Copenhagen.

The price (in NC) of Skoal or Copenhangen is $3.99 a can and if you buy two the price is lowered to $3.49 per can. Grizzly stands at $2.09 a can. We believe that price is the most important factor for the buyer in this case. Sales of the premium brands have increased as the difference in price compared to Grizzly has narrowed. Some Grizzly users will switch because they do not like the connotation of dipping using a cheap discount brand.

Everything you wanted to know about returns of expired tobacco products..

Click on image to enlarge..
Cigarettes can't be returned to the manufacturer. On occasion small companies like Bailey's will come by the c-store and swap out the old for the new.

Moist snuff - discount products like Grizzly cannot be returned but Conwood's premium brand Kodiak the salesperson will remove the expired cans and replace them.

PM's Skoal and Copenhagen can be returned if cans have expired. Prior to PM buying UST, Inc. (maker of the Skoal and Copenhagen) the salesperson would replace expired cans, they'd be flagged and then returned to the distributor. The c-store would get full credit for the returned cans.

The new procedure with PM in charge.. Only six percent of the total number cans sold can be returned. So the c-store owner reduces his inventory he has on hand and usually takes the credit on lesser PM brands like Red Seal and the discount brand Husky. The PM salesperson places the items to be returned in a box, a UPS label is attached and the returns are shipped to a PM warehouse.

Example of c-store clerk directly involved in steering a buyer to a different brand of cigarettes.. Patron asks for a pack of Newport and the clerk says, "How about trying Marlboro Light Menthols - you can save a dollar." In this case the customer would not switch.

Click on image to enlarge..

This news brief is getting kind of lengthy. We'll go ahead and release another update in about one week.

Previous C-Store Update..

Spain - ban smoking public places - a lot of talk no action..

August 12, 2009 - The Ministry of Health is expanding the first Anti-Smoking Act to prohibit smoking in all public places including bars and entertainment venues, announced Trinidad Jimenez. "We are prepared to consider extending the terms, for implementing the law," said the minister. On June 18, Congress urged the Government to toughen the Anti-Smoking Act, "and to progress in the expansion of smoke-free spaces in a progressive manner."

Spain's anti-smoking law has no effect by h.b.,, 2/19/2009: The anti-tobacco law was launched in Spain in January 2006, but the numbers in February 2009 show that over the past three years it has had no effect in the number of adult smokers. When it was introduced 24.2% of the population of Spain smoked, now the number is 24.1% The National Committee for the Prevention of Tobacco Addiction, CNPT, say that the guard has been dropped and more permissive laws introduced in some of Spain’s regions have not helped. They say inspection services are inadequate, especially in the workplace, where despite the ban on smoking some 30% of the working population say they are still exposed to smoke. They also accuse the Ministry for Health for failing to keep the subject on the agenda, and not that in large cities more than 90% of restaurants still allow smoking, and often in small towns it is common for all restaurants to allow smoking.
Jimenez explained that the Act is in its "assessment phase" to see what degree of success it has in in its implementation, and added that following its assessment it will be proposed to extend smoke free areas.

The minister has acknowledged that the law against tobacco has proved "very beneficial in its time", since its inception, it has encouraged over more than one million people to give up the habit. Jimenez stressed that "the ban on smoking in public spaces has been extended to virtually all European countries" including places, like Turkey, which have "a tradition of high tobacco consumption."

The reasons he has cited to expand smoke-free environments are that smoking is a public health problem "and that it is also necessary to ensure" the smooth functioning and the rational use of health services. People who smoke use more health services and consume more drugs, which increases the cost of the health service" he asserted.

In his view, a "clear message" has to sent to people about this problem and "our society is ever more ready to receive that message: the seriousness of the use of tobacco."

Jimenez has indicated that "very soon" new symbols will be incorporated onto packets of tobacco to discourage the habit, which, predictably, include destroyed lungs, tumors or rotten teeth.

Reference: Ministry of Health is to ban smoking in all public places in Spain,, 8/8/2009.

OHIO - judge rules money can not be diverted from anti-tobacco fund..

August 12, 2009 - A judge ruled Tuesday, August 11th that state officials had no authority to divert $230 million from an anti-tobacco fund to balance the recently approved state budget. The ruling by Franklin County Common Pleas Judge David Fais said the state cannot spend the funds, which were frozen after anti-smoking advocates filed a suit seeking to protect the money. In his ruling, Fais said that draining the anti-tobacco fund "would result in a substantial increase in medical expense for both Ohioans and the state of Ohio for treatment of tobacco-related disease."

The decision blows a hole in the $50.5 billion spending plan and means that human services programs that provide health care for the poor and services for abused children and adults could face another round of slashing and burning.

Attorney General Richard Cordray appealed Fais' decision to the 10th Ohio District Court of Appeals later Tuesday. Cordray's office asked the appeals court to stay the judge's ruling and hold arguments on the matter.

Amanda Wurst, spokeswoman for the Democratic governor, said that if the ruling isn't reversed, human services programs for thousands of Ohioans will have to be axed. "We do expect to win on appeal, but if we don't we will have to make budgetary decisions at that time," Wurst said. "But there would likely be cuts to these essential health-care services."

Ellen Vargyas, general counsel for the anti-smoking American Legacy Foundation, one of the parties to the lawsuit, said the judge's decision ensures that the tobacco money goes for its intended purpose. "We think the judge wrote a careful, thoughtful and correct decision," she said. "We're very pleased that one more step was taken to protect these funds for the use they were intended for originally, which is tobacco control and prevention in Ohio."

Reference: Judge rules Ohio legislators can't use tobacco funds to balance state budget, Posted by Aaron Marshall (Tom Feran contributed to this report), The Cleveland PLain Dealer, 8/11/2009.

South Dakota - new judge appointed in the smoking ban dispute..

August 12, 2009 - A new judge will preside over the South Dakota smoking ban legal battle. Judge Mark Barnett has been removed from the case and Judge Kathleen Trandahl has been appointed to decide whether the ban should be put on the 2010 ballot.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) requested that Judge Barnett not be part of the smoking ban case. That's because he worked in the Attorney General's office just a few years ago, and the Attorney General's office will be arguing for the Secretary of State's office in the case. And now that that request has been granted, the American Cancer Society also wants to officially be part of the courtroom battle over the smoking ban.

Reference: Smoking Ban Case Gets New Judge,, 8/11/2009.

Developments - related news briefs:
South Dakota - ACS wants smoking ban passed by legislature to begin ASAP..
South Dakota - opponents of smoking ban gain a delay..;
South Dakota - petition rejected - state smoking ban to take effect..;
South Dakota - Secretary of State's Office still counting disputed signatures on the smoking ban petitions..;
South Dakota - anti-smoking leaders challenge petition..;
South Dakota - smoking ban to start July 1, 2009 may be delayed..;
South Dakota - opponents try to stop extended smoking ban..;
South Dakota - extends smoking ban effective July 1, 2009...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Star Scientific - q2 2009 report..

August 11, 2009 - Star Scientific, Inc. filed its second-quarter report today, August 10th with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The company reported net sales of $.2 million for the second quarter, significantly higher when compared with net sales of $.05 million for the same quarter in 2008. Net sales for the first six months of 2009 totaled $.38 million compared with $.2 million for the same period in 2008. Sales volumes rebounded strongly compared with lower volumes for first-quarter 2009, which the company believes was due to the passage of amendments to the Children's Health Insurance Program bill that are financed by increases in the federal excise tax on tobacco products. The company reported a second-quarter net loss of $7.0 million compared with a $6.4 million loss for the same period in 2008. This increase was due primarily to additional costs associated with the May, 2009 jury trial of the company's patent infringement lawsuit against RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company. Total operating costs for second quarter 2009 of $6.4 million increased from $5.8 million for the same period in 2008.

The research and development portion of those expenses included $.1 million in product development work to enhance the company's dissolvable smokeless tobacco products, Ariva(R) and Stonewall(R). As part of that effort, the company recently completed successful focus group testing for several new versions of Ariva(R), including additional blends. The company also is in active discussions with another tobacco company regarding an agreement aimed at expanding distribution and marketing of Ariva(R) and Stonewall(R). Susan Ivey, President and CEO at Reynolds American tries to justify her dissolvable products like Camel Orbs telling people they are very similar to other exiting products (like Star Scientific's Ariva and Stonewall HardSnuff Dissolvable Tobacco) and so she will continue to evaluate these Dissolvables in the lead market.)

Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals subsidiary - second quarter R&D expenses also included expenditures of $.4 million by the company's y. These expenditures related to assessing the applicability of low-TSNA tobacco and certain MAO agents for several applications, including in a non-nicotine nutraceutical product designed to minimize nicotine cravings. Rock Creek now has completed two preliminary studies to assess the viability and safety of the active components for a non-nicotine nutraceutical (a dietary supplement product).

Curtis Wright, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer of Rock Creek, stated he is pleased with the preliminary results of the safety studies now being conducted at two independent research institutions. "There is increasing evidence in recent years that the association between nicotine addiction and MAO reduction in smokers is important. Rock Creek's research program is central to its evolving strategies and to the continued development of products for the treatment of cigarette addiction, including a non-nicotine nutraceutical that would be marketed under the brand name CigRx(TM).

Reference: Star Scientific Files Second Quarter Financial ResultsBio-Medicine, 8/10/2009.

Some related Star Scientific news briefs:
Star Scientific - Filing patent for zero-nitrosamine tobaco curing process..;
Star Scientific - 2008 annual report/Stonewall vs other OTC NRTs..;
Star Scientific Corporate Study Stonewall Lozenge in NRT..;
Star Scientific Files Third Quarter Financial Report..;
Star Scientific wants to augment sales of their tobacco lozenges..;
Star Scientific , second quarter 2008, sales down 23.6%..;
Star Scientific Applauds Recent State Legislation - Banning Smoking in Cars with Children..

South Dakota - ACS wants smoking ban passed by legislature to begin ASAP..

August 11, 2009 - The American Cancer Society (ACS) wants a South Dakota circuit judge to declare the new smoking ban passed by the Legislature “necessary for the immediate preservation of public health” and throw out the request for a statewide vote.

Sioux Falls attorney Richard Casey, representing the ACS, is claiming in newly filed court papers that South Dakota's expanded smoking-ban law can't be referred to a public vote because it would violate the state constitution.

Casey is trying to use a provision of the constitution prohibiting referral of laws passed by the Legislature that “may be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, support of the state government and its existing public institutions.”

The South Dakota Supreme Court has never addressed the specific point regarding public health that Casey has raised, said Rapid City attorney Sara Frankenstein.

Frankenstein represents the four sponsors of the referral petition - Mike Trucano of Deadwood, Mark O'Neill of Henry and Don Rose and Pete Thompson of Sioux Falls - who are seeking a statewide vote in the November 2010 general election.

Casey is attempting to block the vote so that the new broader ban can take effect as soon as possible (ASAP). The law would ban smoking in bars, restaurants that serve alcohol and casinos. Smoking already is banned in most other business establishments and public buildings.

Reference: Smoke vote opposed American Cancer Society claims vote on ban would violate South Dakota Constitution by BOB MERCER, American News, 8/11/2009; American Cancer Society Joins Smoking Ban Fight by Chuck Harmer,, 8/11/2009.

Developments - related news briefs:
South Dakota - opponents of smoking ban gain a delay..;
South Dakota - petition rejected - state smoking ban to take effect..;
South Dakota - Secretary of State's Office still counting disputed signatures on the smoking ban petitions..;
South Dakota - anti-smoking leaders challenge petition..;
South Dakota - smoking ban to start July 1, 2009 may be delayed..;
South Dakota - opponents try to stop extended smoking ban..;
South Dakota - extends smoking ban effective July 1, 2009...

Seaside Heights, NJ - don't try smoking on our beaches..

August 11, 2009 - In their continuing quest to clean up Seaside Heights' hedonistic (pleasure of whatever kind is good) image, borough officials last week approved an ordinance that requires smokers to remain within 20 feet of the boards (boardwalk) if they want to light up. The rest of the beach has been designated as smoke-free. Smokers say their designated area is too small and too far from the water.

Nonsmokers complained to the town that, even more than blaring radios and tourists feeding seagulls, the thing most likely to ruin their beach day was secondhand smoke polluting the otherwise refreshing sea breeze, Borough Administrator John Camera said yesterday. The Ocean County resort also has cracked down on noise, illegal parking, and trash disposal, officials said.

While the smoking ban took effect immediately, Camera conceded that it was unlikely police would do more than warn violators as the season winds down. So far, Seaside Heights has installed a line of poles and signage to delineate where the smoking area ends. It also has provided large receptacles for collecting spent cigarette and cigar butts.

"We'll use the remaining weeks of this summer to figure out how we should proceed next year. This year, we're just going to educate the public about the new rule," Camera said. Next summer, a Municipal Court judge could fine violators if they ventured outside the designated area, Camera said. The precise amount of the fine would be up to the judge; current beach fines range up to $1,250.

While environmentalists have applauded the ban - discarded cigarettes are the pollutant found most along New Jersey's 127-mile coastline, they report - others believe the measure is heavy-handed. "There are so many other, bigger issues in places like Seaside that politicians and town officials should be concerned about - like drinking on the beach and lewdness," said Audrey Silk, founder of the group Citizens Lobbying Against Smoker Harassment, based in New York. "Smokers are an easy target."

But beachgoers such as Stephanie Stevio, 36, of Toms River, who was sunning herself yesterday on Seaside Heights' shoreline, say they have long been annoyed by sea air sullied by cigarettes. "It's usually so breezy on the beach that if people around you are smoking, you get smoke blown in your face," Stevio said. "Especially if the beach is really crowded."

Seaside Heights is only the second town on the Shore to ban beach smoking, although other places - including Beach Haven, Ocean City, and Cape May - say they are considering it. Since 2001, smokers in Belmar, Monmouth County, have been prohibited from venturing more than 100 feet from signs indicating the town's limited number of beachfront smoking areas. Ocean City, whose City Council has for years debated a measure similar to Seaside Heights', banned smoking on the boardwalk in 2002, when it was determined that improperly discarded cigarettes had caused a rash of fires.

Tavia Danch, pollution-prevention coordinator of Clean Ocean Action, a New Jersey-based environmental watchdog organization, said she hoped other beach towns would adopt similar measures. As indoor-smoking bans have forced smokers outside in recent years, Danch said, there has been a marked increase in pollution generated from discarded cigarette butts. In 2008, volunteers in two three-hour beach sweeps conducted by Clean Ocean Action along the Shore collected a total of 41,900 cigarette butts, she said. Danch: "We found cigarette butts to be the number-one discarded material on beaches up and down the coast. A ban on smoking on the beach would very likely reduce that number."

Reference: Seaside Heights bans smoking on the beach by Jacqueline L. Urgo, The Philadelphia Inquirer, 8/11/2009.

Click on image to enlarge, sand sculpture promotes a no-smoking campaign at Haeundae Beach Festival (June 2-4, 2007)) in Busan (South Korea's second largest city and the country's largest seaport).

Monday, August 10, 2009

Singapore - record number of smuggling attemps for 1st part of 2009..

August 10, 2009 - Singapore Government Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA) thwarted a record number of smuggling attempts in the first half of this year.

The 23,800 smuggling (illegal, illicit, contraband) cases - which included weapons, cigarettes and animals - were the highest number handled by the officers since the ICA was set up in 2003. The figure also represented a 35 per cent spike from the 17,700 cases the ICA detected in the first six months last year. The ICA credited the spike to the skill and vigilance of its officers, and the deployment of technology like its X-ray screening systems in detecting the contraband items.

In releasing the figures on Friday, August 7th, ICA Commissioner Eric Tan, said: 'While these ingenious disguises usually involve contraband cigarettes today, we are mindful that other more sinister persons or items may similarly attempt to get into the Republic.' The ICA noted how smugglers have become more 'deceptive'.

In all, more than 730,000 packets, or nearly 15 million sticks of illegal cigarettes worth about $6.6 million have been confiscated at the checkpoints so far this year - nearly doubling last year's figures over the same period. Smokers are drawn to contraband cigarettes because of the huge price differential. A pack of illegal cigarettes costs $5 compared to about $10 for duty-paid cigarettes.

Singapore Customs is clamping down demand for illicit cigarettes at the street level in order to curb smuggling. Just in the first six months this year, a total of 3,084 buyers of contraband cigarettes from street peddlers were booked. The number caught was a four-fold increase over the same period last year. The number of peddlers caught also increased 20% from 381 in 2006 to 456 in 2007.

A little over a week (July 29, 2009) ago Singapore customs seized 100,000 packets of illegal cigarettes hidden among 473 television sets worth an estimated 1 million Singapore dollars (about 0.69 million U.S. dollars).

References: More 'deceptive' smugglers But record 23,800 cases foiled this year by Teh Joo Lin, Straits Times (A Singapore Press Holdings Website), 8/8/2009; Singapore seizes 100,000 packets of illegal cigarettes, Sina-English, 7/29/2009.

Singapore - some related news briefs: Singapore - new measures to discourage smoking among the young..; Singapore - more people were smoking in 2007 than 2004..; Singapore - Smoking increase despite public ban, price hike..; Singapore - Introduction of Tobacco Stamp to combat contraband...

Malawi tobacco estate workers have not benefitted..

August 10, 2009 - British colonizers introduced tobacco into Malawi over 100 years ago. When the country got its independence in 1964, President-for-life Kamuzu Hastings Banda took control of the tobacco estates. He increased cultivation and made the country even more economically dependent on the crop. Malawi, tobacco is the major export crop - responsible for 70 per cent of all export earnings.

While Malawian estate owners and international multinational tobacco firms have been reaping from tobacco, ordinary Malawian estate workers have not been benefiting.

Tobacco Tenants and Allied Workers Union of Malawi (TOTAWUM) Secretary General for the central region of Malawi, Edson Gideon said his organization was receiving many complaints from tobacco tenants. “Many tenants are complaining that they are facing a lot of hardships in tobacco estates at the hands of their managements,” said Gideon. He added that one major complaint is that tobacco tenants are not benefiting from growing tobacco because they get very low income. “Most of their benefits are eroded by hefty deductions by estate owners. These people [tenants] are not just very poor, but illiterate, ignorant of their rights at work, and even afraid to speak out of the hardships they are going through,” said Gideon.

Gideon said most tenants choose to suffer in silence than to openly speak about the hardships they are going through because are afraid of losing jobs if estate owners discover that they were talking out their problems.

The Centre For Social Concern (CFSC), said its research reveals that despite that tobacco production is associated with economic development, employment provision, and contributes over 70 per cent of Malawi’s foreign exchange growers are becoming poorer. It says the powerful forces behind Malawi’s tobacco dependent economy are US subsidiaries Limbe Leaf, Stancom and Dimon which together purchase over 95 percent of the tobacco crop and sell it to global cigarettes firms like Phillip Morris and British American Tobacco.

“The study revealed that tobacco workers live in extreme poverty and are subjected to high exploitation,” said CFSC Executive Director Jos Kuppens adding that it was also reported that the situation has become more serious since the advent of market liberalization. He further said the majority of the tobacco workers (tenants and contract workers) work without contracts written or oral. It was revealed that their produce is under-priced due to deliberate under-grading done by the estate owners.
This practice leaves most of the estates workers with huge debt,” said Kuppens.

He further claimed that many land lords on tobacco estates deny workers basic necessities such as medication; food when they run out of their monthly allocation, safe drinking water and housing. “Some respondents reported to have gone without food for two or more days during the time of the survey. More over, estate workers are not entitled to annual or maternity leave, transport facilities, medical scheme, death gratuity,” said Kuppens.

He said his organization recommended that the draft Tenancy Labour Bill that was prepared by Malawi Government through Ministry of Labour be tabled in the next sitting of Parliament. “This Bill emphasizes written contracts between tenants and landlords covering things like transportation of tenants, food provisions and accommodation, and fair repayments schemes,” said Kuppens.

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References Growing tobacco without buffing benefits by Frazer Potani, Lilongwe, Malawi, African News, 8/7/2009; Up in Smoke - transcript, LifeOnline.