Thursday, February 11, 2010

Egypt - anti-smoking campaign faces challenges..

Egypt - Coat-of-Arms..
February 11, 2010 - The results of a recent survey published by Egypt's Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) on Jan. 28 showed that 20 percent of the 77.5 million Egyptians are smokers. 16 percent of the population smoke cigarettes and 2.3 percent smoke hookah, while 2.6 percent use chewing tobacco. (Eygypt - cracking down on shisha use..) Around 439,000 children in Egypt under the age of 15 smoke cigarettes, some 74,000 of them are under 10. According to the Egyptian Health Ministry, smoking kills 37,000 people in the country each year.

In June 2007 Egypt's People's Assembly has passed anti-smoking legislation banning the sale of tobacco to minors under 18 and from smoking in indoor areas. The law, which went into effect immediately, also included a ten percent increase in the cost of cigarettes. (Egypt Passes National Anti-Smoking Law..)

However, Ban smoking laws are worthless if not enforced..

Smoking in Egypt spreads more among adult males with nearly one third of this category cigarettes or hookah smokers. Around 439,000 children in Egypt under the age of 15 smoke cigarettes, some 74,000 of them are under 10. According to the Egyptian Health Ministry, smoking kills 37,000 people in the country each year. Ninety percent of Egyptians believe that smoking is a major cause of some life-threatening diseases like asthma, lung cancer and birth defects, according to the survey results.

The recent survey showed that 41 percent of Egyptian smokers tried to give up, but only 18 percent of them succeeded. This means that only less than eight percent of the total number of smokers give up.

The Egyptian government has been exerting strenuous efforts in cooperation with local NGOs (non-government agencies) to curb smoking, a disconcerting habit spreading widely in the most populous Arab nation, especially smoking hookah or "Shisha" as known by Egyptians. The most conspicuous measure taken by the government is compelling tobacco manufacturers and importers to print warnings on their products including photos that show the dangers of smoking to lives. (Egypt, CAPMAS Study Graphic Photos on Cigarette Packs - NOT EFFECTIVE..)

However, the governmental campaign was countered by smart solutions from defiant smokers, apparently in challenge of the measures. At the early beginning of the campaign, some smokers used to hide the warning photos with a small piece of blank paper or even with substitute beautiful drawings. The idea developed later as some manufacturers made use of the measure and invented separately-sold covers with beautiful photos on them to hide the warning picture. Later on, new cigarette boxes supplied with lighters spread in the markets. Some women also used their makeup boxes to hide their cigarettes after getting rid of the original packet.

Reference: Feature: Egypt's anti-smoking campaign faces challenges,, 2/10/2010.

Some related news briefs:
Africa - can a tobacco-related cancer epidemic be prevented..;
Egypt, CAPMAS Study Graphic Photos on Cigarette Packs - NOT EFFECTIVE..;
Egypt - warning pictures on cigarette packs - INEFFECTIVE..;
Egypt's fledgling anti-tobacco program to place images and warnings on cigarette packs..;
Egypt Passes National Anti-Smoking Law..;

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