Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Botswana - university taking charge of tobacco control..

May 12, 2010 - The lenient tobacco control and regulation in Botswana has prompted the University of Botswana to enter into an agreement with the Africa Tobacco Control Regional Initiative (ATCRI) in the Africa Tobacco Situational Analysis (ATCSA) Project. Botswana is part of of six countries identified by ATCRI to receive in-country support for tobacco Control scans and research on tobacco control and regulation.

The purpose of this research would be to identify impediments to tobacco control and use findings to advocate for stricter measures as guided by the priority intervention areas of the WHO Framework Intervention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The FCTC calls for stringent policies on tobacco taxation ban on advertising of tobacco products, smoke-free areas, illegal trade and use of graphics to warn against effects of tobacco products.

Directly related news brief:
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Internatinal Development Research Center (IDRC): Projects in Botswana..

Reference: Lack of Tobacco Control a Health Threat, Prof Mpho G. Molomo, University of Botswana, May 2010.

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