Wednesday, May 12, 2010

South Carolina - House overrides governor's veto of tobacco tax..

May 12, 2010 - State House of Representatives voted Wednesday, May 12th to override Gov. Mark Sanford's veto and thereby increase the state's cigarette tax to 57 cents from its current 7 cents level. (South Carolina - governor vetoes bill to raise tobacco tax)

The vote was 90 to 29.

Now, all eyes are on the Senate to see if they too can muster the two-thirds majority vote needed to override Sanford's veto and make the tax increase law. The Senate is expected to take up the measure in coming days. (South Carolina - state senate could send 50-cent cigarette tax increase to governor soon..

Proceeds are projected to provide about $125 million annually for state-run health care programs for the poor, $5 million for cancer research at the Medical University of South Carolina and $5 million for anti-smoking programs to help smokers stop and prevent young people from starting.

Tuesday, Gov. Mark Sanford again vetoed a cigarette tax increase but added he would support it if it was paired with a dollar-for-dollar tax reduction elsewhere, preferable in the state's income tax.

House overrides veto, 90 to 29
Sanford has once again killed the proposed increase, 50 cents, but this time the votes may be there to override him
by RODDIE BURRIS (, The State, 5/12/2010.

Related news briefs:
South Carolina - governor vetoes bill to raise tobacco tax..;
South Carolina - tobacco tax increase bill goes to governor..;
South Carolina - state senate could send 50-cent cigarette tax increase to governor soon..;
South Carolina - senators try to write bill on cigarette tax increase to override Governor Sanford's veto..;
South Carolina - increase in cigarette tax still NOT likely..;
South Carolina - cigarette tax, State Superintendent of Education Jim Rex speaks up..;
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South Carolina - among the worst states in the nation in smoking prevention efforts..;
South Carolina - most residents support raising the tobacco tax..;
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South Carolina - Tobacco Tax Increase Killed - State House Fails to Override Governor's Veto..
Tobacco Tax Increase – What’s Wrong with South Carolina??;

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