Friday, July 9, 2010

Bulgaria - subsidy for tobacco growers included in govt budget for 2010..

July 9, 2010 - The Bulgarian Parliament has adopted at second reading the 2010 Revised State Budget Act providing after a 12-hour debate in which the ruling GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) party lost the backing of one of its major partners. The revised budget was approved with the votes of GERB together with the MPs from the nationalist party Ataka.

The rightist Blue Coalition, which supported the draft bill at first reading in June, this time backed out blaming Finance Minister Simeon Djankov for failing to fend off the demands of the other ministers and thus providing for a staggering increase of state spending.

Budget includes BGN 116 M (75 M USD) in subsidies for the tobacco producers.

Prime Minister Boyko Borisov had denounced the subsidies being given to tobacco growers.. The Prime Minister described some of the measures of his government such as giving subsidies to tobacco producers and sustaining the unemployment benefits as “far-left”. (Bulgaria - prime minister not happy with giving tobacco growers subsidies..)

Bulgaria - tobacco growers again mass protests over unpaid subsidies..
Bulgaria - govt no more tobacco growers protests over subsides..

Mihail Velkov, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Milk Producers’ Association has stated a number of the Bulgarian tobacco farmers, whose employment is problematic as the state is planning to cut their subsidies, could turn to sheep breeding for a living because of the great potential of this sector. (Bulgarian Farmers Hope to Export Sheep Milk to China, Saudi Arabia,, 6/30/2010.

Reference: Bulgaria Adopts Revised Budget after Insipid 12-Hour Debates, (Sofia News Agency), 7/8/2010.

Bulgaria - more tobacco farmer related news briefs:
Bulgaria - govt no more tobacco growers protests over subsides..;
Bulgaria - finance minister comments may be good news for tobacco farmers..;
Bulgaria - European Commission authorizes payment to tobacco producers for 2009 crop..;
Bulgaria - government, tobacco growers reach subsidy agreement..;

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