Friday, March 25, 2011

Caifornia Bill SB 575 - eliminates smoking exemptions..

March 25, 2011 - Senate Bill 575 was introduced by Senator Mark DeSaulnier, D-Concord, with the intention of expanding the current workplace prohibition on smoking to include owner-operated business and eliminate the specified exemptions found in the current Smoke-Free Workplace law. The bill also seeks to clarify "confusion and hardship that can result from enactment or enforcement of disparate local workplace smoking restrictions."

Existing law prohibits smoking of tobacco products inside an enclosed space, as defined, at a place of employment. The violation of the prohibition against smoking in enclosed spaces of places of employment is an infraction punishable by a specified fine. This bill would expand the prohibition on smoking in a place of employment to include an owner-operated business, as defined.

This bill would also eliminate most of the specified exemptions that permit smoking in certain work environments, such as hotel lobbies, bars and taverns, tobacco shops, banquet rooms, warehouse facilities, and employee break rooms.

Reference: SB 575 (DeSaulnier) Smoking in the workplace, california legislation,, 3/2011..

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