Sunday, March 13, 2011

Minnesota - omnibus tax bill - increase in the tax on moist snuff..

March 13, 2011 - The House omnibus Tax bill includes income tax cuts aimed at low and middle income Minnesotans, a reduction in the research and development credit for businesses and forbids cities and counties from raising property taxes if they take local government aid.

The proposal does increase taxes on a specific tobacco product. It requires moist snuff to be taxed in a different way than other tobacco products. That change would generate an additional $18 million over the next two years.

Tax Omnibus Bill - ARTICLE 3
31.26 SPECIAL TAXES - Moist snuff

Reference: House Tax bill focuses on tax cuts, Posted at 8:15 PM on March 12, 2011 by Tom Scheck (Filed under: MN Legislature, Mark Dayton

Minnesota - some smoking related news briefs:
Hennepin County, Minnesota - planning no smoking on all county property even inside your own car..;
Minnesota - third anniversary of the Freedom to Breathe Act..;
Minnesota - 3rd Annual QuitCash Challenge Encourages Minnesotans to Kick Butt..;
Minnesota - thousands of untaxed cigarettes recently seized..;
Minnesota - as of August 1st, new state law that protects kids from the harmful effects of tobacco..;
Minnesota - as of August 1st, new state law that protects kids from the harmful effects of tobacco..;
Minnesota - anti-tobacco advocates going after dissolvables, e-cigarettes..;
Minnesota Court dismisses 'Lights' class action Altria and PM USA..;
Minnesotans Support Tobacco Tax Increase even with federal tax increase..;
Cigarettes “fire safe” in Minnesota as of December 1, 2008..;
Minnesota would ban smoking in bars, restaurants and other establishments under a bill approved by the Legislature.;

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