Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Brunswick - increase tax on tobacco...

March 24, 2011 - Effective midnight on March 22, 2011 taxes on tobacco increase to 17 cents per cigarette (from 11.75 cents) with similar increases on other tobacco products.
(IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL TOBACCO RETAILERS AND WHOLESALERS, News Brunswick - Department of Finance.) Taxes on cigarettes will jump from 11.7 cents per cigarette to 17 cents, a $10.50 increase per carton. The tax on a carton of cigarettes will now go up to $34 from $23.50. Taxes on fine cut tobacco and tobacco sticks will rise 62 per cent and 56 per cent respectively.

Higgs said increasing tobacco taxes was often suggested by citizens during his town-hall style pre-budget consultations with the public.

“New Brunswickers sent a clear message to the government that tobacco taxes should be increased to help discourage smoking and help pay for the additional costs smoking imposes on our heath care system,” Higgs said.

Tobacco wholesalers and retailers were required to take an inventory count of all their tobacco products as of 12:01 am March 23, 2011, as they will have to remit the difference in tax on their inventory. The budget says these businesses will be provided with a remittance form for this purpose.

Finance Minister Blaine Higgs introduced an $8-billion budget that includes a nearly $449-million deficit, though the figure is less than half the $1 billion deficit that the government projected last November.

As of yesterday, New Brunswick’s cigarette tax increased $1.31 a pack, a spike that is expected to generate an extra $25 million in annual revenue.

Imperial Tobacco Canada has lambasted the New Brunswick government for increasing taxes on cigarettes. In raising taxes on legal tobacco products in its latest budget, the New Brunswick government had just set out the province’s welcome mat for organized crime to expand its thriving contraband business in the East, the company said in a press note posted on its website. In raising taxes on legal tobacco products in its latest budget, the New Brunswick government had just set out the province’s welcome mat for organized crime to expand its thriving contraband business in the East, the company said in a press note posted on its website. Where are the Royal Canadian Mounted Police - they must put a stop to illicit, illegal, smuggled, contraband tobacco. If you know where the crime is going to occur it should be easier to stop... It starts with high fines and many years of imprisonments..( (‘Irresponsible taxes’ levied on a legal product, Tobacco Reporter, 3/24/2011)

Reference: New Brunswick Raises Gas and Cigarette Taxes The Canadian province increases cigarette taxes $1.31 per pack and gasoline taxes 11 cents per gallon.,, 3/24/2011; NB Tobacco Tax Increase: A Boon for Organized Crime Atlantic Convenience Stores Association responds to New Brunswick budget ; Tories increase tobacco, fuel taxes NB Liquor also asked to increase revenue by $10 million, CBC News Canada. 2/22/2011.

The Non-Smokers' Rights Association has calculated the average price of a carton of cigarettes in Canada's provinces and territories and how your province or territory ranks in light of the HST coming into force on July 1st in Ontario and B.C.: Average price of 200 cigarettes in Canada's province and territories, as of July 1, 2010

New Brunswick - some related news briefs:
New Brunswick, Canada - New Democratic Party tobacco-control strategy..:
New Brunswick - lawsuit against tobacco companies - outside lawyers can be used..;
New Brunswick - Tobacco Control/Tobacco Investment Conflicting interests..;
New Brunswick - January 1, 2009 Tobacco products to be hidden from view..;
New Brunswick to ban smoking in cars with children or youth present...

New Brunswick - lawsuit against tobacco companies - outside lawyers can be used..;
New Brunswick - Tobacco Control/Tobacco Investment Conflicting interests..;
New Brunswick - January 1, 2009 Tobacco products to be hidden from view..;
New Brunswick to ban smoking in cars with children or youth present...

New Brunswick - lawsuit against tobacco companies - outside lawyers can be used..;
New Brunswick - Tobacco Control/Tobacco Investment Conflicting interests..;
New Brunswick - January 1, 2009 Tobacco products to be hidden from view..;
New Brunswick to ban smoking in cars with children or youth present...

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