Saturday, March 26, 2011

Uruguay - talk with Dr. Eduardo Bianco director of the Tobacco Epidemic Research Center ..

March 26, 2011 - We’ll talk with Dr. Eduardo Bianco, a cardiologist and the director of the Tobacco Epidemic Research Center in Uruguay, about the lawsuit and his country's anti-tobacco laws, which are some of the strictest in the world.

Uruguay is unlikely world leader in anti-smoking efforts
by Worldview Mar. 25, 2011

talk with Dr. Eduardo Bianco.., WorldView|WBEZ91.5

Uruguay - some related new briefs:
Uruguay - Supreme Court dismissed a constitutional challenge by PMI..;
Uruguay - PMI believes reports on cases misleading and omit important facts..;
WHO FCTC COP-4 - next steps on illicit trade..;
WHO FCTC - COP-4 - delivers progress on global tobacco control..;
WHO FCTC COP-4 - good news, WILL not ban ingredients used in producing blended tobacco..;
Uruguay - weaken anti-smoking laws after pressure from the tobacco giant Philip Morris International..:

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