Friday, May 27, 2005

Snus is the Swedish Alternative to Cigarettes...

May 27, 2005 - Snus is the Swedish Alternative to Cigarettes... Sweden is just a few days from joining the select group of European countries that have banned smoking in restaurants and bars. But unlike Ireland, where the ban upset pub owners, or Italy, where cappuccino drinkers complained loudly about having to smoke outdoors, no one expects the June 1 event to be met with much protest here. The main reason for this indifference is a four-letter word: snus. A moist, finely minced snuff tobacco inserted under the user's upper lip, snus is the Swedish alternative to cigarettes. The substance, which is prohibited in the rest of the EU (Sweden got a special exemption when joining the Union in 1995), has been used widely here for almost two centuries, and has grown rapidly in popularity in recent years. As smoking is banned in eating and drinking establishments, it is expected to become still more popular.

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