Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Nova Scotia (NS) - ban on point of sale tobacco advertising

June 6, 2007 - Nova Scotia (NS) - ban on point of sale tobacco advertising (March 31, 2007). HALIFAX - The Canadian Cancer Society applauds the NS provincial government for the development of strong regulations that prohibit the display of tobacco products in retail outlets and the use of signage to promote tobacco sales. “Removal of these displays and signage in Nova Scotia ensures that youth and children will not consistently be exposed to the availability of tobacco products, nor encouraged to take up smoking,” says Maureen Summers, Executive Director of the Society’s Nova Scotia Division. Many countries, including Canada, have banned traditional forms of tobacco advertising. In response, tobacco companies have made point of sale advertising one of their main marketing tools. Tobacco product displays and signage are extremely important and powerful advertising tools that are left available to the tobacco industry. Retail displays also work to encourage impulse purchases by occasional (non-daily) smokers and among ex-smokers struggling to resist cravings and stay smoke-free. “Tobacco products, and tobacco company logos and brands, should simply not be visible. – out of sight, out of mind,” says Summers. Nova Scotia has become the eighth province to ban tobacco advertising in retail stores, joining Saskatchewan (March 11, 2002), Manitoba (January 1, 2004), Nunavut (February 1, 2004, Prince Edward Island (June 1, 2006), Ontario (May 31, 2008), Quebec (May 31, 2008), and Northwest Territories (awaiting proclamation). (Lesley Mulcahy, Communications Coordinator, Nova Scotia Division, Canadian Cancer Society, phone: 902-423-6183 ext. 283) Click on image to enlarge..

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