Monday, October 15, 2007

Ireland to ban tobacco displays..

October 15, 2007 - Ireland to ban tobacco displays.. Irish shops are to be banned from displaying cigarettes and other tobacco products. Health minister, Mary Harney, said also that in-store advertising of tobacco products would be banned and that tighter controls would be placed on the location and operation of cigarette vending machines. ( Ban on shop tobacco displays proposed by Charlie Taylor, October 5, 2007) Belinda Hughes, Tobacco Control Advisor for the Cancer Society of New Zealand, stated, “Make no mistake, cigarette displays are determined, planned and strategic marketing tools. And our latest research proves this!” The research shows that nearly half of New Zealand smokers agree that cigarette displays at the checkout make it harder for smokers to quit saying the displays trigger impulse buying. Ms Hughes is also concerned about the impact the retail displays have on children. “The prominent displays of tobacco products as ‘normal’ consumer items can distort young peoples’ perceptions of the prevalence (and therein social acceptability) of smoking. We need to do everything in our power to support smokers to successfully break the addiction. Getting cigarettes out of sight is a good first step.” ( Tobacco Displays Make It Harder to Quit, October 11, 2007) In the U.S.A. it seems like the tobacco companies are in control inside and outside of Convenience Stores. At the counter,, at the entrance and at the gas pump. Not to be left out, Philip Morris has cards at the door as the customer can take as they walk out of the store. Reynolds even stations a representative at the store that offers a free pack of say Camels if a customer buys another product. All Tobacco products belong under the counter - with no advertising allowed - let's get it done - related news brief:June 6, 2007. Click on Image t Enlarge.. (

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