Thursday, October 4, 2007

We need more tobacco like a hole in the head - the world does not need: smokeless, chewless and spitless tobacco.

October 4, 2007 - We need more tobacco like a hole in the head - the world does not need: smokeless, chewless and spitless tobacco. Imperial Tobacco Canada Ltd.,is now test marketing in about 230 retail outlets in Edmonton, SNUS under the brand name du Maurier. Look for it in the fridge, near the Red Bull. Canada has 4.5 million smokers, and about 80 per cent of them are addicted to nicotine. The widespread availability of snus would create more nicotine addicts, and provide a marginal benefit to smokers. Despite the whitewashing and the soft-peddling by Imperial Tobacco, the reality is that snus is not designed to replace cigarette sales, but as an add-on. Smokers will likely stuff these little nicotine-laced bags in their mouths when they are craving a smoke and it's too cold to go outside, or when they are in public places where there are smoking restrictions. If smokers are looking to quit, there are many proven methods. This isn't one of them. Snus is not a smoking cessation aide, it's a smoking prolongation aide. It's also a fairly blatant method of recruiting young people to tobacco. Sell them this seemingly innocuous product that tastes good and provides a nicotine buzz, and in no time they will be lighting up. ( Andre Picard, Public Health Reporter, See related news brief:September 12, 2007.

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