Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Link Between Convenience Stores and Tobacco Use...

November 6, 2007 - With limits on where to advertise the tobacco industry spends more on in-store advertising then on all other forms of advertising combined. On the outside there are promotion signs at the entrance, on the walls and at the pump. The competition for space between companies like Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds (RJR) Tobacco is fierce. For example - the lowest price for a pack of cigarettes is set - the agreement with RJR is that the store will not sell a pack below the price of their Doral brand. Tobacco companies are in agreement for SNUS to catch on and be a strong seller it's going to require more public awareness and education. This most likely would include various forms of advertising NOT targeted at inveterate (hard-nosed, long-established, deep-rooted) cigarette smokers. But persuasive advertisement directed at young adults and any kids they can entice along the way. Free coupons or deep discounted prices using slogans liked the Bobcat slogan: "Prices get em, quality keeps em." Also stationing attractive people at various bars, say around college campuses to pass out free cans of snus along with other merchandise like t-shirts and related. Oh yes the Camel SNUS tagline. It has been stated that brands like Marlboro SNUS and Camel SNUS are sure to tempt children to try new smokeless tobacco. Dr. Gregory Connolly , director of tobacco-control research at the Harvard School of Public Health. "Like us - many health advocates see the new smokeless alternatives as an attempt to create a new generation of tobacco users." - WE AGREE. Let's eliminate all the advertising and put all tobacco products under the counter - see related news briefs: October 15, 2007 and June 6, 2007. Click on image enlarge. (TobaccoWatch.org)

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