Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Nine Out of Ten Smokers Who Try Smokeless Still Reject the Product..

December 5, 2007 - The words of Murray Kessler, UST's (principal subsidiaries: U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company and Ste. Michelle Wine Estates) president and chief operating officer, at the Reuters Consumer and Retail Summit in New York, 6/20/2006. "There's a market (for smokeless) there and collectively or individually, one of us (referring to his company, Philip Morris or R.J. Reynolds Tobacco) is going to get it right and it's going to be big business," Kessler said. (Tobacco Journal International)Tobacco companies now realize for SNUS to catch on and be a strong seller it's going to require more public awareness and education. Even the mighty Marlboro name linked to SNUS is having trouble. Brad Rodu, an oral pathologist and professor of Medicine at the University of Louisville, says smokeless products can serve as effective substitutes for smokers who are either unable or unwilling to quit tobacco and nicotine entirely (inveterate smokers). Dr.Rodu holds an endowed chair in tobacco harm-reduction research funded by two companies that manufacture smokeless tobacco products. (Tobacco ruling reopens debate on smokeless products , 9/26/2006, New York, NY, Lauren Foster) We're afraid the groups that will take time out to learn the Art of SNUSING are young adults and kids that want to be young adults. ( Click on image to enlarge..

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