Friday, December 14, 2007

Nova Scotia to Ban Smoking in Cars with Kids..

December 14, 2007 - Nova Scotia to Ban Smoking in Cars with Kids.. Nova Scotia the first province in Canada to ban smoking in cars carrying people under the age of 19. This legislation will not only protect children from harmful second-hand smoke, but create a "wave of change" across the country, says the Canadian Cancer Society. Health Promotion Minister Barry Barnet said the province will try to educate people and allow them to adjust to the new rules before police start handing out fines, which for first-time offenders will be more than $380. Barnet said the legislation will come into force by mid-January 2008. The legislation follows the lead of Wolfville, N.S., where town council voted last month to implement its own ban. See related news briefs: December 6, 2007, October 11, 2007 August 16, 2007 and August 15, 2007.

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