Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tobacco industry adapts to smoking bans by developing dozens of new ways for the body to absorb nicotine..

December 19, 2007 - Tobacco industry adapts to smoking bans by developing dozens of new ways for the body to absorb nicotine.. Big tobacco is developing dozens of new ways for the body to absorb nicotine - from hookahs to snus to lozenges ( see also to smokeless nicotine delivery systems. And, in a clear attempt to attract younger users, they come in more flavors than you can find at a Ben & Jerry's ice cream store. That new terrain in the world of tobacco was sketched out by Dorothy Hatsukami, a tobacco researcher at the University of Minnesota, for some of the approximately 3,000 anti-tobacco experts from around the world who met in Minneapolis in late fall at the National Conference on Tobacco or Health. "Is it a gateway drug to cigarette smoking?" she said. "Does it help them quit smoking? We don't know." ( "Smoke and mirrors" by Josephine Marcotty/Scripps Howard News Service, The MetroWest Daily News, 12/18/2007) We also have to be concerned with the cigarettes with less tobacco smell being introduced in Canada. Click on image to enlarge - some of the many tobacco products now available..

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