Thursday, December 6, 2007

Victoria May Outlaw Underage Smoking..

December 6, 2007 - Underage smoking will be outlawed and parents banned from lighting up in cars with children, under a Victorian proposal to crack down on youth smoking. Nationals MP (Member of Parliament) Damian Drum signalled in state parliament on Tuesday he would introduce a private member's bill to reduce the number of young smokers. The bill, to be tabled early next year, would make smoking illegal for under 18s and introduce penalties for minors caught having a puff. The proposed legislation also would ban parents from smoking in cars when children are on board. Under existing laws, it is illegal to sell cigarettes to anyone under 18 but minors are not penalized for smoking. Click on image to enlarge.. Victoria is a state located in the south-eastern corner of Australia. It is the smallest mainland state in area, but the most densely populated and urbanised. Victoria is the second most populous Australian state, after New South Wales, with an estimated population of 5,188,100 as at March 2007. Melbourne is Victoria's capital and largest city, with more than 70% of all Victorians living there. (

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