Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wisconsin cigarette tax and tax on other tobacco products to increase January 1, 2008..

December 29, 2007 - Wisconsin cigarette tax and tax on other tobacco products to increase January 1, 2008.. The Wisconsin cigarette tax will increase from 77 cents per pack to $1.77 on New Year’s Day. It will be the 12th highest in the nation. New Jersey has the highest tax at $2.28 per pack. The Legislative Fiscal Bureau predicts Wisconsin’s cigarette tax collections will increase almost 80 percent in just three years — from $296 million in 2006 to $531 million in 2009. At the same time, the state’s Tobacco Control Resource Center estimates that 33,300 adult smokers will quit because of the tax increase, and 65,800 youths will be deterred from taking up the habit. Wisconsin has about 1 million smokers. (" Smokers consider quitting with cigarette tax about to take effect," The Associated Press, (Fond Du Lac, WI), December 28, 2007) See related news briefs: November 13, 2007, September 13, 2007 and April 1, 2007. Click on image to enlarge..

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