Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pension Fund May Exclude Cigarette Makers..

January 19, 2008 - Norway's global pension fund, Europe's largest retirement plan, is considering excluding pornographers, cigarette makers and bookmakers from the 2.08 trillion kroner ($388.1 billion) portfolio. The Norwegian government will evaluate the fund's ethical standards throughout 2008, and has received suggestions from non-government organizations and lobby groups. Finance Minister Kristin Halvorsen said today (1/16/2008) since 2004, the fund has been banned from investing in companies involved in nuclear weapons or cluster munitions, and companies that it says are guilty of human rights or environmental abuses. (" Norway's Pension Fund May Ban Sex Industry, Tobacco, Gambling" by Robin Wigglesworth,, 1/16/2008) Click on image to enlarge..

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