Wednesday, January 2, 2008

SMOKERS, heavy drinkers and obese people will be banned from NHS treatment under a new plan..

January 2, 2008 - The National Health Service (NHS)is a publicly funded health care system of England. It provides the majority of health care free of charge - the founding principle of the NHS. Ministers believe that withholding treatment from people with unhealthy lives could potentially save the NHS billions of pounds a year. Mr Gordon Brown, Prime Minister, outlines his plans in a New Year message to health staff today (01/01/2008), heralding the 60th anniversary of the foundation of the NHS this year. He will announce plans to draw up a Health Service constitution clearly outlining “rights and responsibilities” for patients. ( "NHS BAN IF YOU SMOKE, DRINK OR EAT TOO MUCH" by Macer Hall, Daily Express, 01/01/2008)

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