Friday, February 22, 2008

R.J. Reynolds Pauses Free Cigarette Pack Promotion..

February 22, 2008 - R.J. Reynolds Pauses Free Cigarette Pack Promotion.. WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. (RJR) is temporarily dropping a promotion that allows smokers to buy some cigarette packs to get others free. Company chairwoman and chief executive Susan Ivey has said the company is looking for overall growth in market share without over-promoting and over-discounting its products. The company will test the plan in 25 states in the South and along the Eastern seaboard. The temporary halt will run through March 2008. Company officials said it will allow RJR to evaluate promotions in its growth brands Camel, Kool and Pall Mall. Analysts tell the Winston-Salem Journal the move is a sign that cigarette companies are looking to save advertising and promotional dollars in the shrinking cigarette market. That money can then be directed to sectors with growing customer bases. (The Associated Press, 2/20/2008) During my long run on Saturday morning stopped at a c-store to use the bathroom - there were two change mats when paying - one was buy one get one free for Salem and the other was buy one get one free for Camel - the temporary halt runs through March 2008. ( Click on image to enlarge.. About Image: RJRs' iconic Camel brand this week will get its first major package redo in 90 years. The new look sports the classic camel pyramid icon on a clean and contemporary looking white background. Graphics also flag Camel’s 1913 heritage and include blue and green highlights. RJR is not advertising in consumer publications during 2008. So Camel’s marketing support will consist of “Our Best Smoke Ever” POP, direct marketing with coupon offers to a consumer database and sampling at adult events. Gyro, Philadelphia, handles the account. ( "RJR's Camel Gets a Facelift" by Mike Beirne, Brandweek, 2/19/2008)

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